Just a few words on personal preparedness

I thought it appropriate at thus time to ay a few rods on getting oneself prepared for whatever may be coming in the next few months, at least between now and the end of 2013.

we see the latest executive order which has followed on with surprising haste from the National Defense authorization act. . We see the whole panoply of executive orders, I may give a list of these later, but quite frankly, it is becoming very worrying, and makes a settled life almost impossible as it gives , at least t those who watch these matters closely, a degree of uncertainty and dread as to what may be coming in the short to mid term.

I confess to a feeling of dread, or shall we say, worry as to what may be approaching. this is far deeper than the paranoia fostered by too much focus on these events, I detect a feeling of something rather nasty or maybe just plain momentous,  approaching, thus I suspect is psychic in nature, I may be detecting ripples in the collective mind  as this event approaches.You may be feeling the same way, for me its becoming very strong,  I feel it in the pit of my stomach, the solar plexus chakra. for those who know about the chakras take note.

so, I am thinking now of going to an orange state  of readiness, shall we say. for me this is getting my house in order, not so much stocking up, but seeing what I will need if it all comes unstuck, , finding my sources of supply on the internet, and locally, such things as water storage, petrol and diesels containers, and all the things we may need for at least three, maybe six months.

One hopes for a quite existence but the signs point otherwise. My advice to those reading this is get things in order, make sure you  have a source for what you need, when things start to happen, then find a distraction, take your mind off it all. for me this is gardening, walking, and oil painting and watercolors and such. this is my point of sanity in an increasingly insane world.

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  • I do not watch TV that much. I am more wanting to go outside and to take in the sunshine has much has I can. My husband and I went for a good one hour walk this afternoon. It give me back energy especially in the heart chakra. It has been raining quite a bit here. Since the ground is wet, I have been waiting for better weather to weed the garden. I did prune my grape vine and other small fruits. What I enjoy also is to come and visit with this Ning. It does provide a lot of positive energy.

  • I do not want to replace windows so it stays in the corner so I don't have to throw it. My phone is tied to the net like yours so I KEEP IT  in case the net goes down.

  • simply stop worrying and free the mind. we are fortunate Byron, not watching television, I assume you are not one f he box in the corner addicts? I have been all my life until fourteen months ago, then it went out of the door, and will never return. Just oil painting right now, maybe some gardening later. Have you seen Keiths post about yet more ships with gattling guns going into the Gulf? Are these idiots on drugs I wonder???

  • I find reading very relaxing

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