We saw what ISON did to Mars when it passed.  It caused the entire planet to glow with plasma.  Electrically charged particles even discharged from Mars and shot into space.    Is it possible that  if the Earth gets charged from ISON    we could suddenly find ourselves transported to a higher vibration, a new realm, a different dimension?   Or if the air is so highly electrified  could it electrocute everyone on Earth?  Or will it just turn out to be a very interesting and large auroral display to put all others to shame?   Still more could happen. Could such an electric jolt actually cause the pole shift?  Still more speculation, could the results of a plasma ball enveloping the Earth be called the EVENT?   Will it put everyone in a state of higher consciousness  fore a time?  These are the things that I ponder as I view pictures of a glowing Mars. What do you think will happen here on Earth?   OH, just one more thing!  Do you think that this government shutdown has anything to do with the arrival of ISON?   It seems to me that they are getting everything in place  (FEMA region 3)  ( everyone home from work)   (Escape roads blocked to parks.)  What will the next logical step from them be?  An announcement!  Probably one saying that our money just went digital, or perhaps that it lost 75% of it's value. ( ABOUT NOV 5)  And then lastly, the BIG announcement,   From the comfort of their bunkers!   RUN FOR THE HILLS!  Of course this is all just speculation and wonderment.  What do you think?

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  • Peter yes, lots of debris (dumb word debeis,  dabree would be better.)  Lots of fireballs and meteors everywhere. 

    Kim, this last pope is starting to worry me.  He just came out with his own version of the crucifix.  And being Pope #2 would actually make him an imposter, since the job of Pope is for life.    All this ties in with fire from the sky. 

  • Adding to Peter's list, wouldn't it also affect the tides?

  • Thanks Jim.  Sadly, many people just think what I just said is hog wash.  But, they will get the truth, when standing in front of Jesus during the Illumination of souls.  It certainly will be a great spiritual awakening all humans on earth will get to experience at same time.  Too many prophets have been speaking of this, not only Marian/Jesus visionaries, but other channelings have spoken of this.   

    It has been said in different prophecies, that the weather will continue to get more messed up before the earth is transformed into a paradise.  

  • Pardon my ignorance, but if ISON hit the moon - whilst that may save a direct earth hit - could that not cause its own problems - such as: maybe altering the moons orbit or sending debris towards earth?

  • Yes Donald, something very interesting is in the works.  It is sort of like Mickey Mouse Club anything can happen day.  Grid down, meteors from ISON, direct hit from ISON,  EQ's, solar flairs, and my own prediction, ISON hitting the moon, which actually saves the earth from full impact.

  • Here is an interesting ISON link.



  • Jim,

    Based on the Gordon Duff/Veterans Today article and Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot reports I would say the ISON saga is heating up. Regardless of what is really going on, it is beginning to sound like a recent Hollywood movie. And Tolec is saying it is GFL. Whatever, distraction or not, I am feeling like something very interesting is in the works.

  • Nicely said Kim! 

  • Yes, Jim.  Satan and his evil entities are trying their best to drag as many as they can down with them to their lower vibrations.  Satan wants people to believe there is NO God and that Jesus was insignificant or was made up.  The evil ones also want people to believe they don't exist, so thus, it is easier for them to suck in their prey and drag souls to their level.  This is one place that one does not want to be.  Once the earth transforms to the higher vibration, it will be paradise where those stuck in the lower vibrations with evil will suffer for eternity.  The Illumination of Souls, also known as the Warning will be happening before the Transformation because this is the only way that God can prove to all of humanity that yes, He does exist and so does his Son.  This will be the last chance for all to convert.  For those who choose to still not believe, they will be cast off with the evil when it is finally purged off this planet.  

  • All I have to say about death is this.  When this world actually transforms to a higher vibration, all life on it will also ascend, that is, if one is alive during the Transformation, you will not experience a physical death as what I have read, the etheric body merges with the physical.  Thus what is prophecized, no death, no illness, etc. etc. the kingdom of God.

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