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  • ROTFLOL Cheryl!!!  I needed that today, thank you!
  • A gov't that lies!?!  What, are we on Earth or something? 

    (Uh oh.  Oh, crap!)

  • Alex

    :) back at yah!

  • Lorraine,

    I second everything you said.....

    I was just about to say, "as if they don't already."

    Like minds :)

  • Lieing to the public has been happening since the founding of our government

    With or without the legal right to do so they will continue to hid or destory information

  • Thank God there are groups fighting for us.
  • Feds Drop Plan to Lie in Public-Record Act Requests

    By David Kravets Email Author
    November 3, 2011 |
    4:22 pm |
    Categories: Coverups, politics


    Bowing to political pressure, the Justice Department abruptly dropped proposed revisions to Freedom of Information Act rules Thursday that would have authorized the government to inform the public that requested records do not exist even if they do.

    The proposal would have granted the government a new option to state that documents relevant to a FOIA request did not exist. According to the Justice Department’s proposal, if the government believes records should be withheld, the government agency to which the request was made “will respond to the request as if the excluded records did not exist.”

    Under normal practice, which seems Orwellian enough, the government may assert that it can neither confirm nor deny that relevant records exist if the matter involves national security.

    Civil rights groups, and a host of lawmakers from both sides of the spectrum, had blasted the Justice Department’s original proposal.

    “For five decades, the Freedom of Information Act has given life to the American value that in an open society, it is essential to carefully balance the public’s right to know and government’s need to keep some information secret,” said Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont.) “The Justice Department’s decision to withdraw this proposal acknowledges and honors that careful balance, and will help ensure that the American people have confidence in the process for seeking information from their government.”

    The American Civil Liberties Union, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington lobbied against the proposal, which the Justice Department said Thursday “falls short” in balancing openness with national security.

    “Putting an end to lies about the mere existence of documents is one step toward restoring Americans’ trust in their government,” said Laura W. Murphy, the ACLU’s Washington, D.C. legislative director.

    Still, the government has embraced lying even without FOIA being altered. And judges aren’t very tough on the government when it does lie in FOIA cases.

    Last month, for example, a federal judge decided not to hold the CIA in contempt for destroying videotapes of detainee interrogations that included the use of a torture technique known as waterboarding, ruling instead that the spy agency merely committed “transgressions” for its failure to abide by his court order to produce them in a FOIA case brought by the ACLU.

  • Lorraine and Tammy  This earth is so dirty It will take God and aliens together to clean it. BUMP to you both.
  • Lorraine you are absolutely right!!  They have formed an illegal "SuperCongress", set up directives that will set in motion martial law and activate FEMA camps nationwide.  This is only the tip my friend of the things to come!  Add to this the natural Earth changes and we are in for a ride of our lives!
  • Tammy,

    This is a "in your face" declaration by our government!

    The REAL American government is gone

    The president and his henchmen are and have been running us and our laws into the ground with executive orders, outlandish regulations, bypassing congress and ignoring our sytem, allowing islamic laws to stand in our country, executing people who defy them and now they are going to take over the broadcast system

    They have turned our system into a Dictatorship

    I truely fear for the people in the occupy protests!

    The government would not blink an eye if they were to order a bio/chemical assualt on them. They would do it just to put fear into the rest of the country and world

    I really have no hope of our broadcast system coming back on as usual, I think it will be under their rules when and if it comes back on

    As for making lieing a law and a right of the governmnt, I think of SATAN, the father of the lie and they are his followers

    Isn't funny now that holder is on the hot seat they are deciding to make lieing a right of the government

    We have FALLEN SO FAR!!!

    We truely need this earth cleansed


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