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  • I sometimes wonder if there isnt a whitehouse moving co.

  • We both know the information will still get out.  lol   And as this administration has proven since its inception, send the job out of country.  :)

  • I just had to laugh when I saw your post Tammy. Why would our government want to stimulate the economy of the US when there plan is to destroy it  and they have done an exceptional job of it so far. Sending money overseas seems to be the goal of this administration. Maybe a foreign country would not leak information about them building our cages. Money is no object, when you can just print some more.

  • If I was to guess I would have to say that they have let too much information out.  Either that or they have made too many mistakes. As far as prices, the government doesn't care about the cost, they care about results only.

    In time we will see I suppose.

  • Any idea as to the significance of this?  Better prices, or has KBR burned a few bridges?

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