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  • Got ya Shadow was just pointing out a little detail considering the post from for tubs of various types of foods am working on it myself but want to vacuum seal prior to tossing into the tubs to minimize exposure.  Am also trying to slowly accumulate a nice supply of ready made meals, MRE I think they are a little terrified because I personally have no talent what so ever when it comes to a garden.....And even hoarded/stockpiled foods will eventually run out.....
  • Bugs....=.......Food.......and I don't mean gummy worms......
  • That's right, Jim.  A test was conducted by Weber State University (I think) on flour that had been canned 30 years earlier, and found stored in the attic of a garage.  While flavor and nutrition wasn't great, it was edible and did provide calories (which are needed in emergency situations).
  • Good artical Cheryl!  One more to add to the long lasting foods is honey!  It may turn to sugar over a long time of storage, but just heat it up and it will once again be surupy.  Or just eat the crystals!
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