"Greetings Dear One,
Soon there's going to be something called the 'Circle of Twelve.' I want to explain as best I can what it might be. It's the beginning of a new energy.
My purpose here (with my partner) was to tell you about the 'new normal' and the New Human... always in love and compassion, so you would look in the eyes of the Creator and see yourself. This won't change; it will only get bigger.
My partner is going to be changing what he does, adding to the messages of the shift, and going to a place that he didn't expect.
Dear one, you have no idea really what is inside of you. Every single human being is a multi-dimensional creature on this Planet, placed here on purpose.
You have stories of Masters coming to the planet with all manor of healings and miraculous things occurring. You look at a Master and think that he was so powerful... not understanding that what the Master had done was set an energy so the Humans could do the work.
The Master did not create the healing. The Master created an energy that allowed the healing to occur.
This is your ability, to come back from the brink of darkness, because you have SOUL CHOICE. You have always had this spark.
If you're going to go into an evolution of consciousness... you're not going to sail into that place with an old energy. There's going to be new energies that must be felt and awarenesses that never existed: awareness that you're powerful and awareness that there's more than you ever thought.
There must be an energy of allowance that creates permission where you can go into a place, feel the energy and come out saying, 'I never realized this was mine to do. I never realized that alone, with my magnificence, I can do this.'
That's about to be created. We're calling it the 'Circle of Twelve' and it's going to happen soon for the first time."
~Kryon (excerpted from Kansas City, August 9, 2020, channeling)
Please join myself, Monika Muranyi and three spectacular healers for the premier broadcast of the 'Circle of Twelve' at 11 AM Pacific Time on Sunday, August 16.
Get signed up here: https://kryonmasters.com/str…/aug-16-healing-circle-premier/