I had a thought the other day. It really bothered me that our Secret Service was having so many issues with "protecting our President" at the White House. Why is that? Why was the alarm system turned off, why was a man able to get into the White House, etc..... so many things didn't make sense.
I finally figured it out............ or so I think I did. HE. IS. NOT. THERE. ANYMORE. They have moved him and his family out of the White House to a safe place........................... think about that! :-)
Love & Light
Cheryl yes it seems that way.
No surprise. Seems to be another universal law that the oppressed eventually become the oppressors.
The secret service keeps a running log of each president they protect and I recently read that the one they are keeping on O is that he is rude and demanding and they are being treated like slaves, The first lady is worst. There are overtones of race toward white agents. Imagine that !
That is possible.
OR... perhaps the Secret Service is hoping something will happen to him, kind of being passive about his security. Ah, but we dream.
Sounds like the WH security is more lax when Pres is out of town.
Yeah. Maybe he could have an extended vacation, at taxpayers' expense, in Monrovia before going on to Kenya.
Maybe play a round of golf and mooch could check out the school lunches.
Maybe in Kenya he'd be safe. Of course, he should definitely have a long layover in Liberia on his way there. You know, get out and meet the ebola victims, shake their hands, that kind of PR tour.
There is no safe place for Otrauma his world is crumbling in front of his face.