A New Awakening
We of the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council are your  family  &  friends.    We  are  here  to  let  you  know  your planet Earth/Terra and all of your people are about to go through major changes, a major stage of growth,  a  shift-up  in  vibration, called “upliftment”.   It is a completely new vibration, new higher consciousness & awareness, a new existence… for  the first time in your planet’s history.
It is a cleansing, a rebirth, a transformation.  It is a transition.  For you on planet Earth - it is a new beginning.  Most important to understand, it is simply a natural evolutionary step.
Though  the  process  has  already  begun, somewhat.   Earth  is about to transform in the near future from its current 3D solid  matter form existence in the 3rd dimension… into  4D crystalline fine essence matter of the fourth dimension/density reality, the vibratory rate one frequency faster than currently on Earth, as Earth's solar system and planet Earth are now crossing the galactic equatorial plane zone of the Milky Way galaxy.
Overall, this new area of 4D, fourth dimensional, space is a place where matter has far less density & weight, an area of much faster & higher frequency energy vibration.  It is also a dimension where time will no longer have a hold on Earth humans.  From a 4D, fourth dimension, perspective - time doesn't exist... at least not the way Earth presently experiences time.
In addition, this area of fourth dimensional space also has a 'black hole' with highly charged magnetic energies at its core. Earth's solar system and planet Earth will upon entry of this zone encounter the highly charged magnetic energies of this 'black hole' and feel its effects.  Some of your Earth scientists, astrophysicists, call this area you are entering - an interstellar energy cloud, Galactic or Torsion Energy Wave.
The  speeding  up  of  your  solar  system &  its planets including Earth due to the faster & higher frequency energy vibration rate of this area -  their upliftment into the fourth density resulting in continued geophysical events and additional changes to planet Earth - these changes are projected to start by mid-October 2011.
"The more you know
 The more you will trust
 and the less you will fear"
 MEDEWIWIN PRAYER (Ojibway People) 
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  • What is this P.E.A.R.L.S!

    There is strong evidence from ancient texts and prophecies, that time here and now, is a time where it becomes more and more possible for humanity to assume there role as powerful Co~creators of the world. We do not have to passively watch events unfold when we can become pro'active, hold a vision for a world we would choose to live in and render that vision!

    Co-creation is about connecting people’s brains. There is a method, a framework that can be taught conceptually and tools that can be implemented inside organizations. But at the heart of it is a personal transformation of people who suddenly see the world through a different lens.

    Consultants cannot tell those stories because of confidentiality. Academics are too removed from field work to have access to them. As if living at the intersection of these two worlds could not make people schizophrenic enough, we find ourselves of late developing a third, more humanistic streak: an urge to talk about the profoundly human aspect of Co-creation.


    Put simply, it is a combination of nine subjects developed from the study of one, which was to understand what 2012 was really about before and after!  This was developed over a five year target study. However, as a consequence of its many found facets, links, and ever more questions to unravel, it has grown into nine subjects as the study progressed. While at the same time developed into my perceptions of the need for humanity to wake up to the “bigger picture”, and adjust to that “game of chess" as I refer to it, and are all ultimately bound up in as regards to the bigger question of creation!

    So, P.E.A.R.L.S! Could be viewed as a “truthseekers dream” in essence, or intended simply as a form of reference material and history lesson! Also it is an on-going compilation of this material of what I have sought out, or read of over the past six years and continues to grasp!

    However, at the end of the day, with respect to others, I never set out with intentions of being in competition with anyone else, so as I progressed, I came across many who were doing similar work. There are indeed many tremendous sites of interest that do just as well in their own inimitable styles and flavour.

    The beauty is to understand that through synchronicity or divine intervention, you have arrived here now amongst us, if it is your choice as an extended family! Imparting ther own particular truths, interest’s, and knowledge from all over the globe!

    So as we stand on the precipice of humanities change to a galactic enterprise, that journey I took now over six years ago, so much has been understood.  Though we seek out different information day to day, we never ever stop no matter the untold can of worms we come across, portals to other research! It above all certainly teaches you not to take for granted our place on earth!


    If we can try and envision the possibility of “co~creating a synthesis library", as compiled of life events that have appeared and changed are world view from its humble beginnings, as well as those of our original inhabitants, then this would be my way of building the first step towards creating that reality, and who knows you may harbour similar dreams to come!

    This concept would be a Co~creation. A people’s earth’s alliance, research library synthesis, or abbreviated P.E.A.R.L.S. An earth based university or academy if you choose, for not only humanity but also other esteemed beings, entities, extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials, species, etc.  To come together in understanding of all our pasts, and history, or current evolvement and choices for all our future’s and creation!

    I am suggesting here, about sitting in such as a class room, or auditorium, or whatever, with any number of other cross sections of creation, all being educated on so many levels. Teachings of all are heritages, cultures and histories, and so very much more besides.  And simply why not!  If we have anything up to possibly 1.7billion species alone on this planet already, some going extinct, though I believe otherwise, and others forming, then why not go to the next part of creation! If you think how good we are at creating so we are told by other species, then it is the next logical step too what is loosely based on star trek or say Babylon five. But I believe it is happening somewhere already out there in the Beyondness of things. So why not here on our new earth to come! From little acorns grow mighty oaks!

    After all we are all one so to speak, and each of us has a journey and are all part of the whole, together in whatever design of creation Creator ~ Creatores’s deems, through creativity of life for all souls, esteemed beings, species, right on up through the hierarchy, and that ultimately reverberates rather like a string of pearls and out to the Beyondness of things don’t you think!  In order to teach and learn, we each need to focus, have determination, and to seek out aspects to create, and find what works for each of our own journeys and life’s evolvement. “And above all”, having patience towards the student who wishes to understand and learn also, and a desire to achieve for both the teacher and the student. The end result may then sometimes bring tears of joy or gratitude to your eyes and heart when it succeeds!

    You may also need a reference point, books for instance, which are excellent for sitting quietly and focusing more in depth on a given subject. However, in order to sometimes grasp whatever the message is trying to convey, you may not succeed and as is only natural, or just because you enjoyed what it had to impart as a study or enjoyment, you either have to visit several times as you might never quite get it! But then somehow, you draw synchronistic thoughts too you in regards other things you read or study, and that long ago “book”, stirrer’s the labyrinths of your mind as it pops up into focus, and track down and  re-read what you formerly read, hence a sort of mind mapping and the light goes on, bingo!

    I believe that our dna~rna is changing in so many ways, either by natural or divine intervention or probably both through light interaction being at the heart. I have read many differing points on this, but seem to agree something is happening. And putting that to one side is it any wonder people have awakened in varying ways, as we morphogenesis into a form of butterfly and a spiritual awakening occurs, aside of course not the average Jon and Josie in the street who are still stuck in the matrix, and still subjected to control in so many ways. Says something about us enlightened ones no matter how little or far back you started.  And I personally have noticed I have problems remembering the simplest things, such as what did I have for dinner last night. My long term memory from retaining and looking back over my personal history is expanding, and details come to the surface and naturally being able to hold in my head Swords indexing to subjects, aside from the interaction with computers which is certainly advancing that ability.

    S0 you’re interests grows and the juices flows and you naturally go on an adventure to seek whatever works for you! As you progress, those viewpoints and your extension in knowledge expands remarkably, as a whole.  You begin to view the world in a whole new way, occasionally or always, swamped with love and a sudden understanding of life through ever changing consequences that take place on earth. You also begin to gain a greater respect for her in so many ways.

    Whether it is her nature, beauty, or the ugliness side of her bombardment of her rape, pillage and dumping, the wars and effect on her ecology and species, and atrocities to her peoples, and enslavement for elitists desire to control and feed their own energy. All these things affect her at large through her own consciousness, and they also begin to affect your own to add to the bigger picture you begin to understand and take more seriously.

    And so as you store all this in what seems like a sponge inside your brain, that depository of your mind, I believe is therefore exorcizing the dormant parts of our brain beyond the supposed 8%, and actually harnessing junk or dormant 92% in untold ways! And you cannot unless you were hiding under a rock this past twenty five years not have felt or noticed at some subtle level, aside from time getting faster, that we are heading towards a white hole in time, and that is I think all about the Beyondness of things and your own abilities becoming increased and honed for are next adventure!

    Often, we all try in our own way to pass on information, in order to alert us to the changing circumstances on so many levels. And sometimes, towards the masses asleep, or Sheeples and Mushrooms, far too many are still stuck in a Matrix or Prison of their own Mind; you can see it each day at a location near you! They seriously will need divine intervention to wake up, and yet still many refuse to believe they have become enslaved, though it did not quite appear that way during the late fifty’s till mid-nineties.

    Or have already been invaded by extra-terrestrial forces long ago! On that pretext, I created Sword as much as anything because not everyone has time, I have a full time job fortunate though I may be, and yes time is precious to many, as is money, and then with all those day to day jobs at home to encounter, and that’s besides family! So, we all have to “do exist”, Therefore, this is my way towards helping in that respect in order to pass that on to others, who have not the time to dig up that knowledge they may wish to understand. And I will seek out other ideas in doing so!  It is not finished by any means, and at 150 megabytes’ is still only a baby! Imagine 4 terabytes, now that would be something. As I said before, from little acorns grow mighty oaks!

    Well that’s it in a nutshell. Hope I have not rambled on too long as if I wouldn't we are all individually following are own particular path or mission, “or simply along for the ride”! I think that just maybe if we try to think beyond the box, and just push that little bit further through this ideal opportunity of Co~creating, and so develop visions to get at the truth, and who we really intend to be for a far better future, for our children’s, children’s, children well who knows!  We are the lucky ones, we already “Know or have a pretty good idea of what has and is transpiring, and what will change”. So this has become my personal vision now, and towards the future whatever that may hold!

    Blessed are those who walk as seekers of justice, and truth, and divine understanding, and to right what is wrong, find what works, for all and beyond, from one light of love and hope!

    Namaste & bucket loads of gratitude and love Brett St. John.

  • Thanks, Brett.  Actually, this is not the latest from Tolec and the Andromedan Council.  It has been posted for quite a while.  Your other submission had a tone that I don't think would resonate with this group, so I didn't approve it. 

    But, with that said, glad you're here.  Look around, get up to speed and jump in.  You mentioned Eisenhower and P.E.A.R.L.S.  Could you give a brief summary of what that's about?

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