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  • For many many years no one questioned government.  Now we know that that is wrong!  The people running governments are just as dumb as we are.  It is possable with computer tecknology that if there is any kind of a problem in the world with anything at all that any one with knowledge or insite or intelegence can chime in to find a solution to the problem. 

  • What they do in this country is that when the plant needs to be repaired, or they need more rooms for rod storage, all they do is get an extion.  It seems to me that this is how the law works.  All you need is the right paper work and you can put off the end of the world!  And this has been going on for over 20 years! 

  • Is it a kamikaze attitude or could it be the well-known Japanese respect for authority?  They trusted their government and they were betrayed by corporate interests.

    As Albert Einstein said, Nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water.

  • It seems San Onofre got a large amount of defective parts.  Intentional or just a screw-up?

  • There is a possibility that this plant is just a part of a much larger coverup, of many nuclear plants around the world that have issues. that could cascade into a release of radioactivety into the world atmospere of staggerring proportions afetr awhile. Considering if all of the faults started to become more evident. Yes it would probably still be covered up as usual. Many of the nuclear plants built over 40 years ago, are aging and even as an older car could break down at any time from wear and tear. There doesnt always need to be an earthquake and tidal wave like fukishima. And as we have already seen the many failsafes arent so failsafe after all!


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