Alert (6)

Alert From European Investment Banker

March 12, 2012


I am someone who has worked for one of the largest investment banks in the world RBS and I can tell you that the contagion of debt has run its course. We are already prepped for a Greek default this month especially since the recent downgrade by Fitch.

I can tell you is this, watch the Eurozone carefully, even though Greece is the star, the UK and it's Financial power center "The City" is in a whole heap of trouble that is much worse than Greece or any of the PIIGS; France included. If Greece goes down this month, Legarde and Co are working laboriously but an uncooperative Greek public and a Situation beyond repair is not making it easy for the WB, IMF robber barons.  When the default happens you have about two maybe three weeks to get out of the dollar. After that it will be impossible.



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NASA models using data from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) have now provided more information about the two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) associated with the two March 6 flares.

Such a CME could result in a severe geomagnetic storm, causing aurora at low latitudes,
with possible disruption to:

- high frequency radio communication
- global positioning systems (GPS)
- power grids.

The models also predict that the leading edge of the first CME will reach Earth at about 1:25 AM EST on the morning of March 8 (plus or minus 7 hours) and the event may last 3 days.

The first CME is traveling faster than 1300 miles per second; the second more than 1100 miles per second.

NASA's models predict that the CMEs will impact both Earth and Mars, as well as pass by several NASA spacecraft.

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Japan Radiation Crisis Update

From  ... a good summary:


Here are the latest developments on the Fukushima catastrophe, including quotes from a well-known physicist who is now raising the alarm over "three raging meltdowns" at the Fukushima complex.

Please forward this email to those who need to see this information.

* As the Wall Street Journal reports (, the U.S. government has now admitted that radiation is being found in milk from Washington state. They say it's "safe" to drink, of course. That's the U.S. government for you: Irradiated milk is safe, but raw milk is dangerous!

* The battle to save Fukushima is now over, as Japanese officials admit the nuclear power complex must now be abandoned and entombed ( The Dailymail published, "officials said it would mean switching off all power and abandoning attempts to keep the nuclear fuel rods cool." The problem with that, of course, is that there are already "three raging meltdowns" under way as Dr. Kaku explains (below). If you abandon efforts to cool the fuel rods, then an accelerated meltdown is "inevitable," says Dr. Kaku.

* Japanese nuclear experts now admit it will require 20 years to decommission the Fukushima nuclear reactors. (

* Cesium-137 has now been found 25 miles from Fukushima at such dangerously high concentrations that they far exceed the threshold of land abandonment used by the Soviet Union following the Chernobyl catastrophe ( This is raising questions of whether the evacuation zone around Fukushima should now be expanded.

* It has now been revealed that Japan's nuclear disaster preparedness plans were written by complete morons. [Didn't I say their nuclear industry was being run by Homer Simpson?]  The entire Fukushima power plant complex, for example, called for only one emergency stretcher to be on-site, and only 50 protective suits (even though hundreds of people worked there). Do you see shades of the TITANIC at play here? (

* In a shocking video interview, physicist Dr. Michio Kaku explained, "If it goes to a full-scale evacuation of all personnel, it means that firefighters are no longer putting water onto the cores. That's the only thing preventing a full-scale meltdown at three reactor sites. Once they evacuate, then we past the point of no return. Meltdowns are inevitable at three reactor sites, leading to a tragedy far beyond that of Chernobyl, creating permanent dead zones in Japan." Watch that video at:

* Meanwhile, the Fukushima denialists are in full swing, complaining that anyone talking about Fukushima's meltdown is "fearmongering." One especially idiotic journalist in the UK constructed a completely fabricated article today, claiming that "nobody has suffered or will suffer any radiological health consequences [from Fukushima]." How's that for a total denial of reality? This writer goes on to say, "The nuclear power plants in the stricken region have suffered less damage and caused less trouble to local residents than anything else that was there." (I'm not linking to this source because they don't deserve the attention, but trust me, this is from a major newspaper in the UK.) It just goes to show you that these spin doctors will stop at nothing to try to convince people that nuclear power is the safest thing in the world. There's little question that most of these denialists are on the payroll of the nuclear industry (or just hate the human race for their own twisted or demonic reasons).

* As reported by the New York Times (, "The level of radioactive iodine 131 in the waters off the Daiichi plant continued to increase on Thursday, rising to 4,385 times the statutory limit... The increases raise the possibility that contaminants from the plant are continuously leaking into the sea."

* Fears about radioactive seafood are growing as Japan's ocean waters are increasingly contaminated with very high levels of radiation, now even exceeding the 3,300 times recently reported (

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