America (7)

The images are disturbing to me.  I saw a dark line just like the red line off the western coast of Chile back in 2010. 

Those of you who read my blog back then know the "vision" was seen from a craft just above the clouds.  You can call it a dream, if you are more comfortable with that concept, but it was a very vivid, very real sight, the dark line moving rapidly in the bright moonlight toward So Am's western coast.  Around that time period, I also saw two 8's prominently just days prior to the 8.8 earthquake.  I'll see if I can get anything on this current situation. 

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You Become What You Resist...

You become what you resist seems to be a universal law, whether within the context of a broad social movement, a group, or an entire country. 

Think 1960's, how the hippies were so anti-establishment.  In the 1970's, they started fading away and by the 1980's where did all the hippies go?  Most returned to the "establishment,"  got married, got a house, got a job.

Then there is Scientology.  It started out as anti-establishment, too, raging against the oppression of mankind by institutional pyschology and psychiatry, and crusading against suppressive evil government agencies like the FDA and the IRS back in the day.  Time passed and it "evolved" as well.  It transformed into a form of evil government, where free thought was bought with a high price (i.e., if you expressed free thought or thought outside the box, you were banned, in a very ugly way).  

Now, let's look at a broader scale:  America.  We revolted against English rule because of the gross injustices and started a new country, based on principles of fairness and freedom.  Look at the depth to which, as a country, we have fallen, how far from those principles we have strayed. 

Now, how about ZetaTalk?  Didn't it start out as a work for the good of common man?  Didn't it even talk about independent thinking, questioning data when appropriate and how that was what all students should do, and that the bright students did?  Yes, it did.  See here:  And what is it now?  Exactly what this 1997 article warned against!  Many of the bright students who were there last summer did exactly what was predicted, they left, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.  Those still there, according to this article, are in pain.

Once, helping the common man was the goal and encouraging people to think on their own was one of the ways ZT was trying to help.  Now, it is a crime to question and the focus has become narrow and narrow minded.  In the earlier days, governments were attacking and it was righteous to resist, but after battling long enough, the group started acting like evil government it was resisting ... spying, harassing, spreading disinformation, etc.  It's the same old, same old ... the end justifies the means.  Where did the higher values go?  Where did the Zeta utopia go?  What we are seeing is nothing but more of third density crapioli. 

Truly, it seems that what you resist you become.  Things that were meant for good eventually become corrupted.  Corruption, then, seems to be cyclical, tolerated until it can't be tolerated any longer.  Then change comes.  Sometimes with violence (witness the Middle East today, the American revolution).  It seems to be a hard reality on third density Earth.

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“The Al-Qaeda organization has planted 160 nuclear bombs throughout the U.S. in schools, stadiums, churches, stores, financial institutions and government buildings.” It also said, “This is a suicide mission for us.”  The writer, who claims to be Osama Bin Laden, tells the reader the nukes are remotely controlled.

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Is This The End Of America?

Eye opening details about the economy and what you can do about it.  This is long with no apparent way to pause it, so make sure you have the time to listen in one sitting.  He does offer a subscription to his newsletter at the end ($49.95/year) which isn't a decent price.  I've been following economy news since before the 2008 crisis and the facts he presents are on target with what I know.

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South America Is Getting Ready To Roll

There are those who say that talking and informing people about a pole shift and Nibiru induces fear or that the motivation is to scare people. This simply isn't the case. It has to do with informing people on what's coming so that they can prepare and be as ready as possible, to try to save as many lives as possible.

The reason that we inform people is not out of fear but out of love. It has its base in the positive and not the negative. If it were the other way around, with the Zetas or us not saying a thing, then that would be a bad thing. Speaking out on this matter is a good thing we believe.

What we are about to say is not being said lightly. We have come to a reasonable certainty that a major earth change is about to happen. Back on 3/3, Gerard was feeling like some islands in the Caribbean were going to disappear within about 3 weeks. This was just after 3 waves that were 33 feet high damaged a cruise liner. Cheryl had a vision of seeing the western So. American coastline in bright moonlight with a dark line she felt was a tsunami rapidly approaching shore, and Gerard saw islands disappearing along the southern Caribbean plate area in a vision. This site was consulted and noted that the next full moon will occur on 3/30. Cheryl noted that was a lot of 3's and mentioned it, noting that 3/30/2010 was 3 + 3 + (2+1) = 333. Then Nancy was informed by a reliable contact who told her that she was sensing 3's involved in the next big change. So what's with all the 3's? We'll find out it seems.

After discussing it all with Nancy, she got some ZT on it:
Many contactees are in the loop as the 3 of you are, told WHAT to expect but not WHEN, as is the rule. Even prior to recall Gerard had the sense that S America was to be involved soon in a major way, rolling such that the Andes build and the Caribbean Plate is crushed and pushed down in places. Cheryl had the sense of a dark line moving toward the Andes, representing a tsunami as the roll will push down the Nazca Plate such that water will drop into it and then have no place to go except toward the S American spine. Calculations are something that are constantly re-evaluated, with all such contactees in the loop notified. The sense you had that more casualties were to be expected was due to a somewhat shortened time frame for some of these earth changes to begin. Those who were working with contactees, to get them to abandon their existing lives and move early to safe locations, are disappointed, thus. The visitors always hope for the best in these cases, and have a strong sense of mission.

Today, Gerard is sensing that the time is now to issue a warning. Thus, we issue this warning to those with interests in these areas…get ready NOW!

[Update 07/12/2010: The Zetas have said that we will reach a 7 (of 10) before the end of this year, so this potentially could be that event.  My opinion.]
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