Consciousness (8)

If it is the collective consciousness of humanity...

Corey Taylor Talks - January 16, 2014

by Tanaath on 12/18/13

Since our last show was cut short due to a lot of 'technical difficulties', I'll be on the Corey Taylor Talks show once more, on January 16, 2014. The show is at the same time slot as last time - 6 pm PST on Thursday the 16th. Yes, that is two days after Tolec's special day... like I said I don't buy into timelines and dates. If anything should actually happen that day, we'll play it by ear.

A few things on other subjects... on the Locus of Control. It's not just about gaining control of your own personal life, but continually expanding your 'area of influence' in order to make progress in many areas. You can't do that if you are living in fear. If you don't like something, don't just sit there and fear it, find a way to change it. Even if that means taking an indirect route. I had a person (comment not approved) basically declare me evil because I said we shouldn't sit here in terror over Fukushima and ISON and other things we can't control directly. That person is welcome to his terror, but I would suggest he focuses on productive action first, before throwing all his energy and time and emotionality into something he can't yet change.

Another thing, I note we have someone promoting silver in the comments. I'll approve these comments, but I want people to be very clear that I do not promote or endorse any particular financial strategy. Anything to do with finances requires that you do your homework, and I am not willing to do it for you. I choose not to comment on finances. With any wealth generation or preservation scheme, remember caveat emptor - buyer beware. Wherever money is involved, there will be someone trying to take yours, so be careful, people.

Why, oh why, aren't the good ETs here yet? Well, in the case of the Silver Legion, every time they try it, they can't seem to lock into whatever shared reality that we flesh and blood 3D humans occupy. The ship's telemetry reports them as being 'there', our people can see us, but here on Earth we can't see them. Or interact with them. This restriction does not seem to be a universal thing in that high altitude sightings and certain military actions are still possible, but it appears that actually meeting us face to face is currently right out. And this is a wall we have been banging our heads against for about two years. There should be no physical reason why this should happen.

I can't speak for why the rest of the supposed good ETs aren't showing their faces, but with the Silver Legion, we are still troubleshooting the little detail of we can't get into the same context as flesh and blood people. And honestly, that's the whole point of landing and being on the surface - to interact with people. Whatever is causing this effect is artificial, because there is apparently no such restriction on beings that want to hurt you. The Greys are still around, and there have been other hostile ET races that appear to be able to come and go and interact with Terran humanity as they please.

Those who believe that 'teh ETs can do whatever they want no matter what' are maybe thinking about some other ETs that exist in some universe that isn't here. Because they most certainly can't just 'do whatever they want'. There have been absolutely puzzling, mind-boggling restrictions to actions that a lot upstairs just can't figure out. And it's not for lack of trying. There's been a definite and deliberate effort to keep out anyone who might be here to help, while unrestrained access by assholes has been apparently encouraged. Who or what set this up, we don't yet know. All we know is that it involved tech and activity way beyond the level of the Cabal. There's some high level shit involved here, and we're still picking it apart.

You'll know when we've succeeded when we start actually doing real things on the planet that you can perceive and interact with. Until then, please don't assume that anyone up there is just free to do whatever they want concerning this planet and its people. It's clearly not the case.

Trev - I said that this is the case for the Silver Legion. Other groups may be able to act more freely; they may have less frustrating 'magical nonsense opposition' against them. But I don't speak for them and if you want them to land, you'll have to talk to them.

We down here think this is bullshit, the Silver Legion thinks this is bullshit... guess what, it's a bullshit situation, but we still can't land. For whatever reason, this is what happens when we try. I have alluded to difficulties with manifestation before, this is the first time I have laid out what those difficulties currently consist of. We thought we were close to cracking this earlier, we were wrong, clearly.

Also, believe it or not, we've already considered all the easy answers like the collective consciousness and chemtrails, smart metres, etc. Don't think we haven't been looking into this in the last two years. We still don't know what the true cause is, because none of the things people brought up can really adequately explain the inability to manifest in our reality. All I really have to say, is that if it is the collective consciousness of humanity... people have lost all right to complain about why the good guys don't show themselves until they make the effort to enable to good guys to show themselves and start limiting and eliminating the ability of the bad guys to be here.

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Upgrade Your Consciousness to a Higher You

Upgrade Your Consciousness to a Higher You

A time of imagination to use in healing is positive.  Everyone is able to project good energy to heal – radiating bio-electric waves and surrounding the person in need with love to heal.

Relax and upgrade your consciousness to a higher you.  Let peace flow from you.  Create a tool of pure love.  Create kindness and generosity of soul to all life.

Don’t forget to be pure. Start to be in harmony with the All of the All in you.  Celebrate your peace.  Offer it to all.  Meditate in kindness.  Give of your soul.

Help the planet.  All are of one Creator.


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The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness

December 22, 2012 | By admin | Reply

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

I am human.

If you “sense” that big changes are coming, you’re right. And consider this: You can physically prepare until you think you are nearly invincible, but you can lose it all in an instant. Social, political, or natural forces could disrupt or wipe out your preparations. Even the most powerful governments can’t withstand the forces of nature or acts of God. We aren’t saying to ignore physical preparedness by any means. But everything can be taken from you, or destroyed, EXCEPT your consciousness, what you have made of yourself within, and what might be called your soul. So THAT should be our first priority when it comes to preparedness.

Consider this: We will all die someday anyway, disasters or not, and again, spiritual (not religious) preparations will be all that matters then. Furthermore, we’re also not just talking about preparing yourself for some kind of possible “doomsday scenario” – we have our day to day lives to deal with right now. What kind of world do you want to live in now, in the future, or an “afterlife”? If you want to live in a kind, caring, loving, creative world, then you must have made yourself into that kind of person in order to belong in it.

We aren’t talking about religion; we’re talking about true spirituality.

Things like – what kind of person you are – what you think you are – what you are aware of – what your personal “reality” is. True preparedness should cover all possibilities and improve our life even if nothing ever happens. Realizing the “real” you is not just a body, personality, or accumulation of memories and programming, is the first step. Becoming a true spiritual being (who just happens to be inhabiting a physical body right now), is the next step.

Just follow the Golden Rule of unselfishly loving others, and become an unselfishly loving, fearless, harmless person – that is the purchase price of your ticket to a better world. It’s a “win/win” situation, regardless of what happens in the future, or when your “time is up”. If that all sounds like what you want in life, “The Golden Rule” can help you reach that goal, regardless of your faith, or religious philosophy or lack thereof. It’s a non-denominational guide of simple techniques for using “Pure love” to improve your life, and the world.

Imagine a world where you and everyone else, “does as you would have done unto you”. Wow. But you can’t change others directly. You can only change yourself, and then “affect” others. So it starts with you. And you can only change yourself. But just by doing that, you’ll find that your whole life will change around you. You can have and be, a truly “good neighbour”, a good friend, and have great relationships with everyone who wants to join you in your quest.

You have heard people say, “You must love yourself first, before you can love others”. Well, we have observed many selfish jerks doing that, who do nothing to help anyone but themselves, and they’re still miserable themselves. But if you love others first, you become a good person. If you help others, how can you not feel good about yourself also? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF ALSO when you love others first.

Isn’t anything that “brings out” the best in us, like compassion and kindness, good? Whether it’s a philosophy, religion, a method, a mother or father, or whatever? If it works for you, and makes you a better person (rather than a self-righteous egotistical and selfish person), we think that’s great. As for you, you still have a change to pass the grade, before your body dies (and it will) if you focus on the real issues, because the time is really short. Stop your selfishness and narcissism and truly become kind, loving, caring, compassionate, helpful, selfless and harmless toward all the people around you, but above all, love the creator of all, (or whatever the name or concept you use for him) with all your humility and appreciation from the bottom of your heart and soul, now that you know this.

Forget all the useless rituals and traditions, they have been worn out and has long since lost their capability to enlighten and uplift mankind. So just be kind and loving, and be genuine towards everybody. You see, if you haven’t made the grade, when you leave the body you are now using, you will have a real and very unpleasant problem to deal with, when you do leave your body in the near future. Humanity will, very soon, experience the “day of reckoning”, and it’s going to be great.

Now, at the present time, we are all being helped individually with insight, wisdom and knowledge from the Universal Consciousness and the knowledge are being distributed according to the quality and the level of the Consciousness of the individual. This is also how some of this information came about.

The teachings the perfect ones gives give us, is always about the future, and what we will have to do now to reach perfection and Enlightenment in the future.

About our individual Consciousness, those who have a lot now, to them more will be given, and to those who has little now, to them, what little they have, will be taken away.

New knowledge and enlightenment will never come to vicious people with petty vices—thieves, bandits, alcoholics, selfish people, greedy and power hungry people, people seeking fame and position—and those who aren’t willing to change themselves for the better. They will all soon be leaving this planet for a long time to come. The insight and the information you have with whatever Universal Conscious awareness you have, will play the most important role to help you make the right decisions and preparations in the coming earth changes that are expected to slowly begin now, until 2025. And after that, when it all calms down, a time of perfect unity and cooperation will begin on Earth.

It is also important to distinguish the Logos (Universal Consciousness) from the soul named Jesus. Any person in the world has the potential of becoming a Logos (Fully Conscious) but it was the soul known as Jesus who actually incarnated as a Logos and therefore became a Christ on Earth. And all of mankind has the very same potential.

Plan your life in this world as if you expect to live forever; but plan for the hereafter as if you expect to die tomorrow.

About the Author

Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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Published on Nov 12, 2012 by TheLightworkersmedia

Ac Tah, of the Mayan people, gave a talk in Santa Monica last month. In this exert he speaks about what is happening around December 21st 2012 and it's significance to the world. His heritage is authentic. Check out his website for lots more information and to see the work Ac Tah and a lot of other dedicated people are doing....

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Published on Aug 12, 2012 by chemlin

The term Star People or Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes.
A Starseed is a starborn mortal, a human being with Starbeing DNA. Starseeds have been coming since the beginning of earth's history, getting experience in being human and learning many lessons, reincarnating over and over again, until they were ready for an "awakening" in the Age of Aquarius and the Ascension which is happening NOW in 2012. No, the world is not going to end in a disaster, its the old paradigm ending, of duality, competition. But there will be a change, a new world... ONENESS.

All people have many past lives but everyone has to have an origin. The origin can be from the angelic realm, elemental (fairies), starborn, or earth born. The majority of people are, of course, earth born. But high number of people are what's called Starseeds, who are starborn humans.

This is going back 50,000 years and more. Most starseeds came to earth as energy and evolved into human beings on Atlantis. Supposedly the very first continent inhabited on earth. It is known by most Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos that there is a Higher Power, a Creator, called God or Goddess by most of them, and that the Higher Power oversees not just earth, but all planets and the entire universe. This is about knowing not about religion. And that when you reincarnate, you can incarnate to not just earth, but other planets as well.

The majority of human beings have different reasons for coming to earth when compared to typical Star Seeds. Theirs is the path of spiritual learning and spiritual evolution through the Earth School of Learning. Many souls choose to incarnate on Earth many times (up to 200) in order to complete the spiritual learning that is available on here. Not all lifetimes within this cycle are experienced exclusively on Earth and there may be some life times elsewhere in the Universe where healing and restoration take place. These are not remembered by human beings consciously. However the density of Earth is such that repeated incarnations here often results in human beings losing their awareness of spiritual realities and their spiritual gifts. The physical plane of Earth dominates their consciousness to the point where they cannot even imagine extra terrestrial realties. For these Humans their focus is needed on everyday "earthly" matters and this is why they are not drawn to the Extra Terrestrial subjects. They need to learn how to master the lessons that the earth plane has to offer and this consumes their time and energy. And as such they are deeply consumed by the illusions of separation and lower consciousness that exist here. In this lost state the extraterrestrial origins have been forgotten and so there is little interest in this subject. In a way this state of forgetfulness serves them as they are allowed to focus intently on whatever the themes of their life are, without distraction from other realities and past extra terrestrial connections.

Do you FEEL you are a Star People?
MORE INFO can be found here :

The Starseed Quiz (Yes & No)

Are You a Starseed?





 Indigo & Crystal (Star) Children 2012 - Breaking The Human Condition!


Published on Sep 16, 2012 by women4truth

~credits video edit: - AuraTransformation is a treatment method which powerfully activates the influx of the New Time Energy. In short, an AuraTransformation provides a permanent and radical expansion of consciousness which anchors a synergy between one's charisma, drive, and intuition, together with physical action and It synergy The New Time Energy





indigo crystal Star Children "The Human Condition" women4truth aquanet "New Time Energy" chemlin Gifted Creative Potential Amazing highly sensitive The Gift "6th Sense" whynotnews transition "Near Death Experiencers" NDE unconditional Love "raising vibrations" "Rainbow children" natives spiritual wisdom freedom art expression beauty painting message messenger awareness DNA wonderful exciting uplifting empowerment empowering harmony healing heal nature humble appreciation Sirius Pleiades "Star People" bridge bridging playful joy playfulness tender tenderness care connection divine tuning resonating liberating peace friends

This video is [FAIR USE] under © COPYRIGHT LAW it is: 1 noncommercial 2 trans-formative in nature 3 not competitive with the original work 4 not effecting its market negatively FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes

~infopowerment truthers network~
-new kind of unity against tyranny-





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-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Our ships vary in size and structure, and each and every Light Ship and Mothership of course is constructed uniquely to fit the wants and needs of the souls inhabiting such ships. Our ships [for many] are our personal homes, and while many of us take refuge and home on the many Motherships established throughout this beautiful Creation, we also take to personalizing our own small craft, which could be looked to as our own higher dimensional version of your ‘cars’.

For the many of us who live on the many Motherships, which we perform all of our work on, we see these ships as our homes and our smaller craft as our cars (1), only of course these ‘cars’ can travel throughout Creation in the blink of an eye, and we are not limited to experiencing just one or just a few areas of your Cosmos, rather we are able to access any area of this beautiful Creation that is not blocked off for special reasons.

One example of access to a planet being blocked off is of course, your planet Earth. This world has been blocked off for so very long from the inhabitants of the many negative races who would not have your best interests at heart, and the quarantine that has been established on Earth has been enforced very strongly.

Recently, the most restrictive energies behind this quarantine have been limited in preparation for the many events to come on your world, and with this happening has come much more stepped-up security of your world by our various smaller ships associated with our Councils in the Galactic Federation. The most vulnerable points of Earth have been and are being occupied by our smaller scout ships, for the purposes of keeping darker and denser influences at bay so that the ascension of your world can be lived out as planned.

There is nothing that can possibly happen that can stop these changes from occurring, and the resulting ascension that is to occur upon the beginning of the most noticeable changes on your world is the very reason that so much security is enforced around your world, and is also the reason that only a select few [Lighted] beings have been allowed to incarnate on your world along with the many lower dimensional souls experiencing their various Lives on Earth.

Those of us who are not out on the scout ships protecting and working to heal your world in any ways we can along with doing many other things, are again Living here on the many Motherships associated with the Galactic Federation. Each race of the Federation have their own Starships and Motherships, and being free and prosperous beings as we are, we are able to Create and use any type of ship that we wish to.

As such, we have taken to being quite creative with our many ships that many of you have begun to notice in your skies. While we have the cloaking feature on all of our ships as needed, we have also taken to purposefully constructing many ships that look exactly like the common clouds in your skies, and we have stationed many Motherships that are both cloaked to look like clouds and that have been built to look like clouds, and this goes with our smaller starships well.

We can truly take any and every  form we wish to take whilst inhabiting your skies, and while the vast majority of all of us who are inhabiting your skies at this time are indeed cloaked and hidden, those of us who are showing ourselves are doing so in very careful yet direct way in many cases, so that it can be known that we are indeed in your skies and we are working for the ascension of Earth in direct ways, but not in ways that will interfere with the general freewill of humanity too directly and this is why we are again, careful about showing ourselves.

More recently we have taken to appearing in your skies in a bit more hidden yet out in the open manner, and with that admission we implore you to pay attention to the signs you are given in your skies of our presence, for there are many. Those large, bulbous clouds in your sky that look oddly like ships, the smaller yet equally ship-like clouds in your sky, those bright ‘stars’ that remain stationary for the most part but that can be seen moving back and forth and up and down occasionally, these and many other forms we have been and are taking.

Oh dear souls, we are so very excited to inform you of the nature of our technology and craft, as what we have to show you will truly surprise and shock you and have you wondering how your world has not discovered and benefited from such technology in the past. Of course, we  can say as always that this is because our Lighted technology was both suppressed and fed into your Military Industrial Complex and the more basic inventions of ours which were discovered by your dark on our fallen craft, were reverse-engineered and ‘invented’ on your world.

There are many of these technologies that we could speak of but some that may be most recognizable to you are those of your computers, televisions, smartphones and nearly any other technological modern convenience that you enjoy today but that was not enjoyed even decades ago. There is also much more primitive technology of ours that was ‘invented’ on your world and suffice to say you will be quite surprised to hear of how many simplistic inventions were actually taken from us and our craft, including your zipper and Velcro.

The most awesome aspects of our technologies have not even come close to the perception of your general public, and obviously we are quite excited to share this all with you and to share the knowledge of this all with you. We know that you will eagerly anticipate inhabiting our craft, and many of you may in fact choose to take Lives on our craft as many of us have and as has been discussed before.

There are of course, those of us who do not Live on the many Motherships of the Galactic Federation and who instead work with the Councils while inhabiting our own Homes on other worlds, but again the majority of us do choose to inhabit these craft as they are very roomy and homely and we find many aspects of our own Homes on this craft.

We look forward to being able to directly show you this craft and have you inhabit and feel our technology, for it must be felt for it to be understood. The technology that you will be given will be so personal to yourselves, to your hearts, and you will instantly feel a Loving bond with this technology as it is consciousness itself. Our Motherships and Starships are in fact consciousness, and are in many ways beings of their own who have simply taken a different form.

It is very similar to how your Earth who hosts your Lives is a Living, conscious being, as our Starships and Motherships willingly agree to host us and have us Live within them, and the Loving and happy bond that is sustained with our Starships and Motherships is that of a family type of bond.

When you will hear the term Pleiadian Mothership or Pleiadian Starship, you will know that we mean just that because the very essence and spirits of our many star and Motherships are indeed Pleiadian. There are many souls from one of the many worlds in our star system who upon ascending into higher states of consciousness and becoming familiar with the advanced and Lighted technology accompanying our Councils, actually decided to ‘birth’ their spirits and consciousness into that of a fully functional Mothership or Starship.

There are souls whom some of us have known for so very long as dear friends and family, who have chosen to take the ascended form of a Pleiadian Starship or Mothership and this is so as well for many races in this beautiful Federation of worlds.

Daily and moment-by-moment Life on these ships are similar to the Lives that many you lead, as we are not limited in any way to any experience despite the fact that we are in your atmosphere or out in space on a Starship or Mothership. In fact, the majority of the jobs that we perform on Earth would not be able to be done without the help and the aide of our ships, as they are so very crucial in getting us around and in helping us perform the cleansing work that is seeing the ascension of Gaia take off in marvelous ways.

These ships Love us and we Love them, and the bonds that are sustained between us and our ships are truly stronger than can be fathomed. We do not see these ships as simple technology Created by us that we must use and dominate, rather this technology aboard our craft and our craft alike are beautiful beings just like us, simply inhabiting a different form than we are while assisting us tremendously in bringing about so very many endeavors for the Light.

Any soul on Earth can communicate directly with our ships through your mental and emotional channels, and many souls on your world have in fact already been doing so and we implore you all to continue on in such efforts as the sooner you are able to get to better know our craft and how our craft are not inanimate technology but are themselves consciousness, the sooner that you will be able to be expanded enough and better able to work with our craft.

We are able to continually monitor any situation on Earth and have many such monitors sustained and looked upon on our ships. Through extremely small Nano-like technology that goes past even the notice of your dark, we are able to monitor any situation and even without the use of such technology, we are able to find everything we need through an easy counseling of the Akashic Records which hold each and every event that has ever manifested on Earth.

As such, we are keeping our eyes and hearts on Earth constantly and are working with ourselves and with our many liaison teams to see that all that has been predicted to transpire in the time window established will do so as needed. This ascension cannot wait any longer and the changes preceding this ascension have only begun to pick up and themselves cannot wait any longer, and you are to see in the immediate period ahead the manifestation of things that are going to make your heads spin.

This has been said many times before and we hope that with the continual attempted reminding of just how mind-boggling and amazing everything is to be, those deeper parts in yourselves that you do not notice during your daily perception will begin to mentally and emotionally prepare you for such things for while you are inhabiting this period directly before the many changes begin and accelerate, your preparation is needed greatly.

You will be prepared to inhabit and fly around with not just our Starships, but with Starships of your own and you will become familiar and accompany yourselves with these beings who are these ships. You will find great friends, allies and even guides in the spirits that are our ships. We have even in these times looked to our Motherships and the very essence that make up our Motherships for guidance and advice on many issues, be them localized to Earth or in relation to many other events occurring throughout the Universe at this time.

Think not of our craft as anything similar or near to the conventional airplanes and such that you have been used to in your current society, and think of them instead as great conscious beings whom you can ride all throughout Creation in. This is why many of your ancient civilizations interpreted us as visiting your world on flying mythical dragons, birds and beasts, because we went to great lengths to explain to them and to show them that our craft are fully conscious beings who you can fly around inside and Live inside. They of course took this interpretation and integrated it into their art, as your ancient civilizations were not ‘stupid’ and were rather very Creative and encoded the messages of our craft for the civilizations of your later history who would discover their drawings and writings about such things.

Such civilizations that have been contacted by us and by other races comprising the Galactic Federation were shown and had explained to them so very much about us and our ships, and with the many of you starting your own blogs, shows and other outlets of getting this information of us out and as well as with the various channels [we are speaking through] we have established the link of our energies to humanities' at this time and the very knowledge [of us and our ships] is beginning to come back to you once again, and is beginning to reach the fore of your perception and memory.

All that you will be shown and given about us and about so very many other things is that which you have already known and held within for so very long. Many of you will be more than excited to begin to know and remember of such things as us and our craft, and while we have begun such discussions of these things through our many channels we have not come to a full discussion of much of what we speak with you about.

This is because there is so very much intricate and detailed explanation to go into that would at present perplex you and boggle your minds, which is why we are and have been sticking to the more general and easy to understand discussions that can be absorbed in a more measured way by humanity. You are all reading and absorbing these communications and taking your own measure of our energy from them, and this is a habitual process in humanity that we enjoy immensely having our part in.

It was agreed beforehand by many of you that the channeled communications you will be and now are reading at this time would give you the energies of us souls giving you the communications in the best ways that your spirit complexes could use, integrate and handle such energies. It was also decided for many that the energies given by these communications would serve to uplift you into your own positions of helping out, and it has been noted by many of you that the channeled communications which are genuine that you started out on so to speak, served for you to lay a wonderful foundation for you to begin the Lightwork that many of you are performing at this time.

Much will be asked about and wondered about in relation to who we, the Pleiadians are as a race and this is why we have sent multitudes of our own down to your world to begin the explanations of who we are as a race and how we relate to Earth, for we are one race that is closer to you and your world than you could ever imagine. Of course you have heard before that many of us up here are the ascended forms of many of you down there, and this admission is an understatement in relation to the truth for we the Pleiadians are the ascended form of you, Earth humanity [ascended from a different timeline structure].

We are the fifth dimensional ascended collective consciousness that is Earth humanity, and we know that this admission may boggle your minds a bit and require much explanation and we will give what we can in relation to this. Of course, the majority of souls who are on your world at this point are themselves incarnate starseeds from various places throughout your world, and when we say that we are the ascended forms of humanity we mean of the original native population of humanity.

The time thread that most of us Pleiadians who are the ascended forms of the native population of humanity were experiencing on Earth was indeed different than the time thread you are experiencing currently.

We experienced our ascension on our Earth in a different lower dimensional timeline than yours, and again we know that this will confuse many and send many in the direction of paradoxes and multiple Universes and we say that this is good, for with these many admissions [we are giving] we are expanding and broadening your perspective of just what is real and possible on your world and in your reality. Upon ascending on our third dimensional Earth with the help of thousands, not millions as are on your world now, of incarnate starseeds, we branched out and explored this beautiful Creation as of course any ascended society and collective consciousness would.

We eventually stumbled upon so to speak, the planet Erra in the Star System of the Pleiades. This planet was and is so very beautiful, and those of us who did not wish to keep exploring and who rather wished to settle on another world for the first time, chose to make Erra our home and began expanding to other planets in the beautiful Star System, the Pleiades.

We inhabited these worlds within this Star System [Pleiades] for so very long and ourselves built numerous societies, some of them ascended and some of them lower dimensional so that we could host the lower dimensional experience in our own section of Creation that we had discovered with souls existing on these worlds who were themselves lower dimensional.

Of course that opens up a whole new avenue of discussion and lays admission to the fact that not each and every one of us are from Earth and some of us were native to the planet Erra [as well as other Pleiadian planets] when those of us from Earth discovered it, but that percentage is very small and of course, as we were visitors to the worlds of these lower dimensional souls, we honored them and their land completely as we being ascended did not wish to harm, enslave or take over their land. We only wished to Live there with them and our presence on these worlds served to advance, uplift and help the native lower dimensional souls to ascend, many of them then choosing to work with us in our many Councils in the Galactic Federation.

This message has been considerably ‘longer’ than many previous, and as always we wish that we could give more information as we have barely scratched the surface and have likely left you all scratching your heads. We will be back before you so very soon, to go into a further detailed explanation about who we are in relation to your world and to why we chose to help your current lower dimensional civilization to ascend after being with you in [your] Atlantis and watching the destruction play out.

Oh yes, there is so very much to tell and so little perceived time to tell it, but all will unfold before you in beautiful Divine order in the point of your ‘time’ that it is all intended. We Love you all so very much, and we make our exit from this communication reminding you to radiate the Divinity that you are feeling and experiencing to all around you for each and every soul deserves the beautiful, uplifting ascension energies being given to you all at this time.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

(1) I think when the PHC refer to their Motherships as their ‘houses’ and their smaller ships as their ‘cars’, they are attempting in a way to familiarize their experience with these large and small craft for us who are used to thinking in such terms. link to original article

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