LOVE (4)

SaLuSa 16-March-2012

You have an amusing expression, about the boot being on the other foot, and that is how it is as the Light is now dictating what happens, although the dark Ones never give up trying to exert their control over things. Soon they will be forced to surrender to our demands, and since they now have no means of escape there is really no alternative for them. It means we along with our allies can go pressing ahead with our plans. Each project is underway and that will result in a sudden wealth of information reaching you. Events are such that the facts can no longer be kept hidden, and with that there will be an explosion of people coming forward to tell what they know. It may take longer where the Vatican is concerned, as it is akin to a secret society that has kept its dark secrets hidden well away. However, nothing will remain concealed for too long, as you are entitled to know the truth and the extent to which you have been deceived.

For the time being you will have to rely on us for the truth, or other sources of information that appear on your Internet. It is relatively free of interference, although the dark Ones will focus on whistleblowers who are prepared to reveal much that has happened or is taking place now that is a threat to you. We have an overall view of it all, as from our place in the skies we are able to monitor what is going on in any part of the world. We guard those of the Light who are especially protected because of their importance to everyone on Earth, and have a major part to play in seeing the changes go through as planned. We are the invisible forces that operate anywhere and everywhere the dark Ones are likely to be. Many of them now know the role we are playing and are reluctantly being forced to accept that they cannot stop progress. Neither can they stop the cleansing that is under way, that also involves making their bases inoperative and their nuclear weapons ineffective and unusable.

Be assured that as soon as we can broadcast to you, we will do so as everyone needs to know of our intent where you are concerned. It is also important that you know that while we have to remove objects of war, it does not result in loss of life and whether it be aircraft or ships on the high seas, the crews and other personnel are lifted off the planet. At a suitable time they will be returned but not in the capacity of war forces, but as peace forces. That means that they can be redeployed into jobs that are non-combat. It illustrates our high intentions to convey to you that we are Ambassadors of the Light, and bring messages of peace and unification. It is time to come together as one big family, which we really are in the eyes of God. Those that cannot give up their prejudice against others on the basis of color or creed, will have no place in the Ascension process. The sooner all people accept that you are All One and live accordingly, there will be a mass Ascension. By your choice or actions you shall be known, and it will reveal exactly where you are on the Path of Evolution.

Let us again confirm that you cannot achieve levels of existence that are above your levels of vibration. You may have good family members, or friends that you love and wish to accompany you on your path to Ascension. However, when it comes to their spiritual evolution they may not necessarily be ready for such advancement, and you must allow them to go their way. Since all is in the Now, and in the higher dimensions there is no time as you experience it, there is every chance you can reconnect with them. Love is a very powerful link that cannot be broken, and will bring you together again. Let us raise another important point that needs to be understood if you want to advance. You cannot expect to do so if you refuse to let go of hatred where another soul is concerned. By your way of thinking you may have good cause to feel that way, but it will hold you back all of the time. Be prepared to be magnanimous and "forgive" those that you believe have sinned against you. That is the greatest action you could possibly take to prove you have evolved, and it also considerably helps the other soul involved. Think about it Dear Ones, and make your peace with each other before it is too late.

Once you have set your sights on Ascension, put the effort in to pave your way so that it is a pathway of complete Light and Love. It is much easier to do it than you probably imagine, it just needs a little thought and perseverance. If you slip up try to do better next time and you will almost certainly succeed. You will actually feel yourself becoming detached from the old vibrations, and they will no longer have any pull on you. Remember also that you are helped all along the way, inspired and urged ever onwards in the Light. As you do so, your ego will have less influence over what you do, although it has been programmed by you to be loyal to self. That often means putting yourself first in situations where you would be best advised to think before you act. Giving of yourself to others will show that you understand the Oneness Of All That Is.

You have many, many things on your minds as this cycle closes, and it is to your credit that a lot of it has to do with other people. However, Dear Ones please leave time for your own needs, and do not neglect your obligation to your own life plan. Most souls will have an instinctive feeling as to why they are here, and it is important as you have your lessons to learn to bring an end to your time in duality. Finding a balance is essential and then you can go onwards without feeling pressurized, knowing that you are fulfilling your own needs as well as others. You will soon know when you have found it, as life takes on a new meaning and flows by much more smoothly.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and much encouraged by the progress our allies have made. We have friends in very high places who are prepared to use their authority to assist us against the dark Ones, who as we have already said are as good as finished as a formidable power. They thought they were invincible but have learnt the hard way that they are in fact no match for the forces of Light. We have as you might say, asked them to go quietly, but unfortunately like spoilt children they do not like doing what they are told. Have no fear, we are more than a match for them, and they will be put out of circulation, and placed where they cannot possibly interfere with you. We say go about your daily activities with love in your heart, and we could not ask more from you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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SanJAsKa: Transmute Fear Into Love

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

This is my first time vocally channeling SanJAsKa, and I have also provided text of the message in the usual format. However, I recommend listening to the message to properly feel the energies. :)

The old energy on your world and in your bodies is being lifted away from you now, and this is manifesting as a series of events in your personal and collective lives that are to take you upward and away from your lower patterns and habits. We guide to you that this will only come about if you are ready for it, and those who are not ready for it will soon be readying themselves to once again be in a suitable third dimensional environment where they can live out their experiences as suited.  Many of you however are now embracing the new fifth dimensional Earth, you are embracing the new events that are to manifest that you have been told about through your various methods of getting information from us.

We are as active as ever, working to spread the Light on Earth, and working with our allies who are each and every one of you. Indeed, every one of you is working for the Light in ways that are so majestic and wonderful, but that you have yet to fully grasp and understand. Dear souls of planet Earth, if you could even have just an inkling of the perspective that we have, you would see how much good for the Light you are doing. You would see how much your work is helping and how much your hard efforts have paid off. Soon you will be seeing this in full manifestation on your world, and it will be a time so Joyus, so wonderful, so heavenly and harmonious, that you may not at first know what to do with yourselves.

However, we will be with you, helping to spread the Joy, helping to spread the Harmony, and helping you to become the Galactic Civilization that you know you are destined to be. The time ahead may seem a bit tumultuous, but at the same time we are going to get so much done for the Earth, dear souls. We are going to spread so much warmth, so much Love, and you will all be in an immense state of appreciation when you realize that your Lives will finally be Harmonious and happy as you have always wished for them to be dear souls!

We know (that) the time leading up to these events has been hectic. We know that the last stages of the dark writhing around only to be essentially transmuted on your world; we know this has been difficult for you to bear, for you to endure. We know it has been very difficult for you to see the news reports of ‘same old same old’ we know it has been difficult for you to feel like your world is not changing in any way, but dear Lightworkers it is! Many of you have been on this, what you call the ‘New Age Belief’ for a very long time, some of you decades, and you have waited these decades as patiently as you possibly could, just waiting for a sign from the Divine, from your Mother/Father God, from us, that something was changing, that something new was emerging, that something different is finally occurring!

We guide to you now, that you are in the time where you will see these signs. You will see these changes. Dear souls, your hard work is to pay off! We ask you now to congratulate yourselves, but at the same time we must let you know that there is still work to be done. Many of our Earth Allies, which is an ever-expanding group of souls that is expanding to include every one of you Lightworkers; many of you are now stepping up to the plate, more than you ever anticipated you would be at this time, more than you ever thought you would be when you were just awakening to us and our messages, when you were just awakening to the fact that there is something past this third dimensional reality that you have grown more than used to.

Many of you have pledged your entire Lives in service of the Divine and we say this is good! This is what is needed for you and for your Light to expand. You need to have a full dedication to us and to the Light, you need to have a dedication to your inner spirituality, your inner Divine self, because this Divine self is bursting forth and helping you to create the new world you have so desired!

We know it has been difficult. We know it has been a rough journey but we assure you we have been with you every step of the way dear souls! We have been there, even when you could not feel us. We wish now for you to know how much we have truly been with you in your past and in even your most recent history. We are with all of you who are growing, who are expanding, who are reading our messages. We are with you and we wish you to know this, we have wished you to know this for so very long dear souls. We are with you, we do feel you! We feel your hurt, your pain, your emotions of distress that serve to put up a blockade in your Life and teach you that there is nothing past the unhappiness and past the waiting.

We have been there with you, and though we have what you could call a higher dimensional shield that serves to shield us from the most intense of your lower dimensional energy, we can still feel the sadness that pervades many of your spirit complexes. We can feel this, and when we feel this we embrace your sadness with Love and we ask you to open up to this Love dear souls for this Love is great, this Love is omnipotent, and this Love will serve to uplift you more than you can realize at present dear souls! We ask you now when you read our messages, feel the pulsing in your foreheads, in your third eye. Feel the opening up of your heart chakra as you read our messages and (as you) listen to our audio-file channelings on your internet.

Soon we will not just be on your internet in written or transcribed form. Soon we will be on your television sets, we will be on your computers of course but we will (also) be on your radios. We will be everywhere. And it will be nothing like the 1930s ‘War of the Worlds’ fear scenario that has been pumped in (your heads). Of course many of you have probably heard, that back in those times there was a radio broadcast that said that ‘aliens’ were taking over the world, destroying homes and killing whole families and this caused many souls to be in immense fear of us and in immense fear of the entire idea of extraterrestrials (visiting Earth). It was later revealed that this was only a radio-broadcasted play made by a famous writer that many of you still know (of) to this day.

Dear souls we wish you to know that that event occurred entirely on purpose; that event happened to install the very fear that is now coming up in many souls concerning extraterrestrials. This fear has only been acted on and further pumped out in your media and in your movies, but we ask you now to let that fear go. Many of you have heard that we will be having you board our motherships if such is your wish whenever we fully land on Earth. This is true, but we wish you to know you must see past (audio briefly fades out) you must see past the fear of ‘alien invaders’ that wish to ‘stump’ or ‘trick’ you. You must see past this and know that we are your Divine brothers and sisters in spirit and in embodiment. Though we reside in the higher realms, we choose to take on a higher dimensional expression of body, and (ou rs) is the very ‘higher dimensional expression of body’ that many of you may choose to take on.  You will have the choice to ascend, and to let your body ascend with you to a new crystalline form, or to discarnate and further your evolution (in that manner). Either way your evolution will be furthered dear souls but you will have the choice as to just how this comes (about).

This is all for now, we Love you all so very dearly and we ask you to continue to anchor the Light and the Love. We ask you to continue to proclaim your Love for the Divine Violet Flame, your expressions of the Logos energy that is coming through you. We ask you to embrace this, and not to embrace fear. When you learn to embrace the Love, fear dissipates away as you integrate it as just one of the many layers of Divine energy. As you integrate this fear, its very essence, its very being transmutes into the Love that you have manifested in yourselves and on your Earth plane.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.

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Now is the Moment

There is so much negativity these days I'm beginning to feel like I'm drowning. I stumbled upon this article and found it refreshing, so I'm sharing it here. There are more messages you can scroll through...  While it allows for a poleshift and crustal shift, it makes a case for hope and rising above fear about the coming events...

Now Is The Moment


How many times do you have to be told that things will not continue as they are? How many times do we have to say that all will change? How often do we have to say that you will not just float through the transformation without being affected by it? Things will not continue as they are. All will change. You will not float though the shift without being affected. You will change. Others will change. All about you will change.

There will be a transition time — “Interim Time” — as Earth and all who choose will shift to higher frequencies. After Interim Time all will be vastly different on Earth. The only way to the new Earth is to change yourself. Learn to vibrate at a higher frequency, see all in Oneness, and think from your heart.

Now is the moment of your transformation.

The changes you see depicted in movies and videos are 3rd dimension, fear-based representations of the change that is coming to your planet and to you its human inhabitants. The greater changes will be those experienced by individuals as they cope with the energies of a higher vibration, of a lighter way of being. For love will come with a whoosh, overpowering all; only those who are prepared will accept it. Those who are not prepared will be overwhelmed and will turn to fear — just exactly what they should not do.

Seeing darkness as another manifestation of the Oneness of all is the correct way to see things. Do not run from the darkness. Do not turn you back on it out of freight. Do not dismiss it by saying, “I want nothing to do with this.” For these actions only serve to embolden the darkness. While it is true that the darkness is feeling overwhelmed and on its last leg, it still has the power to ensnare those who fear it, for it feeds on weakness.

In the coming days and weeks, events may draw your attention away from your heart centeredness. Among these are the collapse of monetary systems and governments. At the same time, certain outside energies will come to Earth causing physical events to transpire. These events will not be as catastrophic as depicted in your movies.

Let me elaborate further: The magnetic pole will shift as it has done before, as Earth traverses the plane of the galaxy. Already there is a diminishing of the Earth’s magnetic field. When it is minimal, the magnetic poles will reverse. Do not underestimate the effect, for it will be very upsetting to everyone’s emotions.

As for the physical pole shift, the skin of the Earth will shift, so that the physical pole of the Earth will appear to be in a different place, although Earth’s core continues its rotation, as fixed as a giant gyroscope. We can foresee a shift that will take the North Pole southward into Siberia. The skin of the Earth will then have rotated so that the equator crosses North America. Accompanying this will be a reorientation of landmasses.

As for Earth’s axis of rotation, your brothers and sisters from around the galaxy are in the process of straightening Earth’s axis of rotation so that Earth’s axis will be vertical. This means that Earth will present herself to the sun in a vertical rotation rather than the tilt as current experienced. There will no more seasons. The moon will be removed by your space sisters and brothers, as it is an artificial satellite placed there by the dark energy, and of no use to a 4th Dimension planet.

These changes to Earth will result in massive changes to the plant kingdom, as trees, bushes and grasses that are used to winter will be unable to adapt to living at the equator and visa versa. This in turn will impact animals, fish, birds, and insects. So immediately after the shift, all will be in chaos. Then things will begin to sort themselves out as all become accustomed to the new Earth and their new abilities in the 4th Dimension.

You may believe that this huge project requires significant time. The reality is that it will happen quickly. With her strengthened energy, Earth is more than capable of recreating herself within one revolution about the sun. However it will take many years to create a love-based human civilization.

It is the convergence of time — time speeding up as everything moves into a higher frequency — that befuddles examination of this transformation from a 3rd Dimension perspective. Let me see if I can explain it another way. As time continues to collapse on its way to that moment when everything shifts to the new paradigm, more of the stark reality of the dark and the light manifest themselves. It is this starkness coupled with the collapse of time that ultimately makes all facets of the shift come together.

There will be a collapse of the institutions of man, coupled with numerous Earth rearrangements, coupled with a cleansing of the planet, coupled with the arrival of your star brothers and sisters, against your personal transformation to higher densities of your choosing.

How an individual relates to this transformation is almost entirely dependent on their personal vibration. This is not much different than the situation today wherein an individual who is fearful will resonate with the fear of the 3rd dimension. At the same time those who are love-based do not resonate with the 3rd dimension, although they will be well aware of it. We do not include the Earth and all natural things in the 3rd Dimension, because they serve as the stage whereon the grand play, in which you are all engaged, is played out.

So it will be when Earth and all that is of this new backdrop is resonating at the higher vibration of the new paradigm. Those who resonate with Earth’s higher frequency will enjoy being her guests. Those of a lower vibration will be unable to tolerate earth’s higher vibration and will choose to leave. We are making provisions for all of those who are departing due to frequency imbalances.

Needless to say, those of a much higher frequency are able to live on earth today, even though she is vibrating at a frequency lower than theirs. The same will be true of those vibrating at the higher frequency of the new Earth. They will be free to come and go as they wish.

Let us look at some specifics. Today you have created a society that functions within the fear-filled confines of governments, monetary system, corporations, healthcare systems, religions, and education systems of the 3rd dimension. You adapt your lives to this is various ways, some successfully some not, some achieve wealth, some remain poor. This is largely a combination of soul choice, karma, and dedication to an earthly path. There is no right or wrong, only experiences to accumulate. Some achieve enough heart centeredness to live within the larger society, working within its structures, and yet are not a part of it. We would call these the lightworkers or wayshowers.

On the new earth, there will again be structures, but they will be love-based in that they will serve the needs of all. These new structures will come about due to the choices of the residents of the new Earth. They will create a government that is truly of the people. Some of these governments and structures will come more easily than others due to the individual backgrounds of the people involved. Following this will come the monetary structure, and structures for delivering the goods required to live, work, and play. Yours will not be primitive societies because the people involved will carry with them the knowledge of structures from their former lives in Earth’s lower densities, and now being heart centered they will simply arrange things differently. They will be aided by their brothers and sisters from other planets to create energy sources, transportation, and communication devices and systems.

Within all this will be a number of individuals who vibrate at the frequencies of the 5th, 6th, and higher dimensions. They will assist their earthly brothers and sisters to create new ways of seeing and behaving, and to further raise their vibrations. These are the Caretakers of the new Earth, along with those from other planets who similarly vibrate at higher frequencies. All will be oriented toward ascending to new vistas, new ways of being, to Oneness with all, and to eventually reuniting all with Source. The institutes we are creating will assist these creations.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. It is my wish that all will choose to ascend to the lighter vibrations of the new Earth. We aboard Athabantian eagerly wait the day when we may manifest ourselves to you, and work to create a new civilization.


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A friend of mine shared this with me, and I wanted to share this with everyone here.

It's not technically correct, but it very much lifts the spirits.  Given what we've been experiencing these past few days, I thought this might help.  From my heart to yours, with love.

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