Earth Watch Report
Dangerous changes on earth: New huge land cracks. This time in Spain,
Remember the 2011 Lorca(Murcia) earthquake from 11 may 2011.
With a magnitude of 5.1 at only a depht of 1 km.
Lots of buildings and historical monuments were damaged, 10 deaths and over 400 people were injured.
Now in that same region the earth is cracking up.
The crack extends along the industrial park in the direction of the sport city “Valverde Reina”; It has a length of more than 300 meters and a depth of more than two metres in some places.

According to at the beginning of November, cracks appeared on top of a cliff at Cotillo, located at the northern end of Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa.
If those are the same cracks that are showing on the mainland I would imagine more cracks will appear on that line. The distance between the island and the place where the cracks are reported in Murcia is over 2000km.

What the cause may be it still a mystery, as there hasn’t been any recent earthquakes in the region.
Unless it’s been caused by the 2011 earthquake and the volcano activity on the Canary Islands.
Could these be linked?
The Department of Emergency situations urgently requested the Geological Survey of Murcia to assess the cause of the “huge cracks in ground”, which appeared after the recent heavy rains in the industrial park area “El Saladar”, Totana, situated in the south-east of the Iberian Peninsula.
Fractures in the ground often occur during earthquakes. They appear frequently and their origin is not a mystery.
However, fractures not associated with known earthquake movements, are relatively rare and usually remain – unexplained
1 month ago cracks were showing up after the floods of September which caused the life of 3 people. This crack is extending up to 1.5 km and at some places a depht of 5meters. There are no conclusions made of what the cause may be.
The month of October, in El Esparragal, a crack of 1.5 kilometres appeared, that came to light after disappearing water from the floods of September.
The crack affects both houses as farms. Technical Civil Protection and the Geological Survey of Spain moved a few days ago to the place to make a first assessment, but there are no conclusions. A “comprehensive study” is required to analyze the situation, according to the

Today the cracks are still growing in some areas and are now up to 50 cm wide. They are closing of the area to avoid any accident by other geological hazards in that region.
Living in Spain, I will follow this and will add updates to this thread if conclusions are made or more cracks appear.
All information and opinions are welcome.
Dangerous Changes On Earth -
New Huge Land Cracks This Time In Spain – New dangerous cracks in ground appeared on our planet.
This time, they have been reported in Spain.
The Department of Emergency situations urgently requested the Geological Survey of Murcia to assess the cause of the “huge cracks in ground”, which appeared after the recent heavy rains in the industrial park area “El Saladar”, Totana, situated in the south-east of the Iberian Peninsula.
The crack extends along the industrial park in the direction of the sport city “Valverde Reina”; It has a length of more than 300 meters and a depth of more than two metres in some places.
Crack appeared two days ago and opens gradually reaching a width of 40 to 50 cm.
According to at the beginning of November, cracks appeared on top of a cliff at Cotillo, located at the northern end of Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa.