discern (1)

{This message is from a different channel and has the markings of disinformation.  Please read and then see my comments.  Use this as an opportunity to learn how to discern disinformation.  ~C}

SaLuSa to Me - 17th March 2012

Dear ones,

As in my previous message to Gabriel, there is great activity in the air. The cabal are doing all that they can to interfere with your Ascension process. The latest technology they seem to use can be likened to a radar type of scalar weaponry system. The settings can be set on various degrees of power. These contribute to manifesting continuous levels of damage to your environment, but also to your health. None the least is the influence these machines can have on your own psyche, through micro-wave like type of frequencies.
With these tools, and I believe the more liberal media has already started to report these machines of destruction, it is also possible to act directly on humans’ brain waves and to give you false perceptions and understandings.
At this time, it is necessary more than ever to stand in your own light, and process your own truth. We recommend that you refrain from putting your trust in all material you have always taken for granted and begin the process of discernment that we have always encouraged you to follow in our messages to you.
It is important now that you all learn to make contact with your own Higher Self, in order to have no doubt whatsoever on what is true, and what is less true. At times, it has been necessary that we deliberately seek to mislead the cabal readers of our channelled messages. And irrelevant or false information is planted for them alone in our messages. This is another reason why it has been necessary for some time for us to insist on you developing your own discernment process.
This has also contributed to many lightworkers losing faith in us and our work, which we do not condemn in any way. It is just part of the process. We seek at this point in time for interpersonal relationship with you directly, this is still on the ethereal level, so you would have to develop a greater sense of perceptibility for our presence around you. This will only be possible when you are fully connected to your own body, senses and awareness.
Direct contact in this manner is the focus from now on. Only through direct inner contact, can you also have permanent direct contact with us also. The time is now for becoming aware of the ascended loving beings surrounding you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and look forward to our direct communications between you and the Galactic Angelic team.
Thank you, SaLuSa

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