exposure (1)

I have noticed a timeline change again tonight.

Timeline change happened tonight and it seems that no one noticed.  I have been watching E-Bay for one of my best liked shows, Northern Exposure.  All week I was keeping track of season#2 in a green package.  (Every night for a week!)  when suddenly to my total shock tonight season two is red and season 3 is green.  Yes people who are colored blind get those two colors mixed up and reversed.  However in my case I can read and tje green box said season 2 yesterday!  Today it says 3!  Even the ones that I marked as save were changed.  I would like to know just why can I notice the difference and no one else can?  So look around at the common things around you and see if they have somehow changed.  Usualy it is just a color change.  Must be a time travel law, something quirkey that only colors change.  Do not be surprised some day if you wake up to see the grass blue and the sky green and think it is normal!  Could Planet X be causing this to happen?10958000900?profile=original
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