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Strategic Relocation Full-Length HD Film

Published on Nov 9, 2012 by AlexJonesComplete

Thursday November 8th 2012

Alex Jones, founder of alternative news networks Infowars and Prison Planet, presents a full-length documentary/presentation with Joel Skousen, author of Strategic Relocation, North American Guide to Safe Places and The Secure Home, to discuss the long-term threats facing Americans and how to relocate for safety and security.

Joel and Alex examine the information within Strategic Relocation including the effects of natural disasters, nuclear war, long-term power failures, large-scale social unrest and police state tyranny, They also discusses strategies on how to prepare for and survive major disasters. They consider the pros and cons of countries around the world but give particular emphasis to the state and provinces in the US and Canada. Joel also describes cost-effective ways of securing a residence to protect yourself and your preparations.

Joel Skousen is a world renowned expert in designing secure homes, geo-political analysis, and strategic relocation. Preparing food, water, arms, medical supplies, and shelter may not be a good enough plan. Large population centers are the biggest threat to survival after any major disaster. Joel Skousen explains his strategy for survival, which includes acquiring all of the essentials, preparing in a safe location and methods on how to avoid a dangerous hungry population and safely arrive at your secure location.

Whether you are looking to expatriate off-shore or build a dream house away from the serious threats facing us, you'll find answers in this fact-filled interview and companion to the wide-selling book, Strategic Relocation.



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