spyware (1)

I installed this a month ago and it immediately removed 1600 unwanted intruders then when I go to a site a purple box pops up with all the unwanted guests, I left click on the box and they are gone. A small box appears above that with the number of creeps, click on that and you can find out who they say they are. I am sure many are harmless but some are data mining for the NSA. I was given this site by a website owner and she removed 1900 from her computer. I feel like I get to slap these uninvited creeps in the face every time they come on. Some sites have as many as 30 creeps this one only has five, Google is watching every site.

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                  Ghostery™ sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested                  in your activity.                After showing you who's tracking you, Ghostery™ also gives you a chance to learn more about each company it identifies. How they describe themselves, a link to their privacy policies, and a sampling of pages where we've found them are just a click away.Ghostery™ allows you to block scripts from companies that you don't trust, delete local shared objects, and even block images and
                  iframes. Ghostery puts your web privacy back in your hands.                DOWNLOAD GHOSTERY FOR FREE                
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