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  • Keith there has been two bills in congress one a couple years ago and one recently, I don't think either one got to voting stages. It makes no sense now that they keep up the fear of man made EMP. Yes the Dams are in really bad shape and living on borrowed time. Remember two years ago when the Mississippi river was flooding they couldn't open the flood gates on almost half of them to relieve pressure.   

  • I have wondered for a long time why hardening of the electric grid is so unimportant to our government and the only thing I can come up with is that it won't matter anyway because something worse is coming. To go along with that our infrastructure has been crumbling for decades with not a lot more than band aids being applied to it. I spent a few years in industrial maintenance and noticed that the successful companies maintained their buildings and equipment and the ones that didn't were on their way to disaster.    

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