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  • Jazz looks like there might be some Sheltie or Collie in her.  She's a beautiful Jazz baby..

  • Hello Cheryl

    The video is a real tear jurker for me. We or our dog that we adopted from a animal shelter is from spain and was on a type of death list. If they found no home they would be killed and cremated. Our dog "Jazz" was a perfect houshold companion since we got him, and I could not think like it would be like without him today. We have also taken in a second dog that we took care of untill a home was found for her. And you know what? we will do it again. There are people with big hearts who like crossbreads wich are often better.2967657263?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Jazz is the black and white mix of ?

    Marscha is a hungarian mix. wich was with us for about two months.

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