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  • Magnetic polar shifts are a natural part of our ecosystem.  Its happened innumerable times in the past and will continue to happen until the earth is engulfed by the sun.  It has not happened in our lifetimes nor in recorded history that we know of other than speculative thoughts regarding Mayan/Egyptian similarities in legends and accounts. 
    Now here is the crux of it all, if its simply a shifting of the magnetic poles we may all be just fine and dandy over all with a few new neurological problems.  But if the crust gets pulled along for the ride then we find ourselves experiencing a crustal polar shift which is what I believe inspired the stories found in many religious text know heavens touching the earth type things.....turning from day into night back into day......a dreadful quaking and rumbling heard throughout the land.... This is the scenario we should all fear, we should all at least attempt to prepare for.  This is change that will happen regardless of good and evil, regardless of creed, regardless of belief. 
    I so hope this magnetic pole shift goes smoothly and doesn't set off Yellowstone.
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