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  • Thank you Stephen...Gee, I wonder how she called 3/11 then?????? BUT it happened just the same..SO makes you wonder about 3/15/11 for sure..she did give the dates of March 11-15....
  • An alignment between Elenin, the Earth and the Sun does not occur until the 15th of March and that's not an exact alignment anyway as the comet is below the ecliptic.
  • You might be interested in this..A woman made the earthquake prediction of  of 3/11/11 by watching elenin:

    Uploaded by 9Nania on Mar 8, 2011

    Comet Elenin, Earth, and the Sun were in exact alignment last year on February 27th. That is when the Chile Earthquake happened, and Earth's axis shifted. This year, the same alignment happens March 11-15, and the comet is much closer. PLEASE move away from fault areas during this time!

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