The Administrators are: Desert Rose, KeithH, and KimB. Cheryl Nelson is the owner.
Here is a list of our current GROUP moderators:
Aftertime Living: Vacant
Alien Sources/Channels: Dianna
All Other Religions: Coedwig/Steve
Christianity-Catholic: Kim B
Christianity-Protestant: Sizzle
Earth Changes & Emotions: Coedwig/Steve
Earthquakes: Joe
Eastern Religions: Vacant
Food Storage: Vacant
Garden Club: Vacant
Kolbrin Bible: Amy Evans isn't a mod, but she knows alot. Email her.
New Age: Vacant
Science & Astronomy: Vacant
Sensitives: Dianna
Survival Information: Vacant
UFOs: Vacant
Currently Cheryl is busy sending out invitations and promoting the ning, (and she is having some computer problems), so she'll get back to you folks on this issue soon.
Please do not hesitate to volunteer if you want to be a group moderator; and please do not wait to be nominated! We only have a few mods here now, and most work real jobs full-time (plus overtime), so we really do need your help! We are now or soon to be on @300 search engines, and about 10 new members joined today, so please welcome them!
(Ideally we would like at least moderators for each group, but groups can certainly have more than one moderator)
Shadow, Brian, Teresa C., Steve, Dianna, szlh
Not in any given order.