Email from John DiNardo...
It's really just basic physics. Visualize iron filings evenly sprinkled on a tabletop. Then visualize a strong magnet slowly sliding across the tabletop. The magnet attracts the iron filings in its pathway, leaving a clear swath in the midst of the field of iron filings.
In the late 1990s, Dr. John Murray of the Open University in Britain, and Dr. John Matese of the University of Louisiana, unknown to one another, discovered that there are "non-random" bare zones or sparse zones in the comet-filled Oort Cloud, a spherically shaped blizzard of comets, way beyond, and surrounding, our Solar System. Normally, this comet-filled Oort Cloud looks like a dense swarm of gnats flying around your head at sundown on a summer evening.
When Murray and Matese observed these "non-random" comet field patterns in the Oort Cloud, they logically and correctly concluded that some massive object is acting like that strong magnet on your tabletop, gravitationally clearing a pathway through the Oort Cloud's cometary blizzard, like a plow truck clears a snow filled highway.
This massive gravitational magnet, a NASA-discovered incoming dwarf star, holds captive thousands of comets, asteroids, meteors, boulders, rocks, and red iron-oxide dust in its intense gravitational grip. Therefore, we must face facts, and accept what NASA and its supervisory parent, the National Security Agency, have barred from media reportage for the past three decades, ever since The Washington Post heralded, on its front page, the discovery of this incoming dwarf star, which the past decade's records prove is the cause of all of these extremely severe meteorological and geological events. Currently, the denser inner region of this celestial flying beehive's surrounding swarm of space objects is approaching the environs of our inner Solar System, on its way toward its inexorable gravitational rendezvous with our Sun, in what newtonian physics principles indicate will be its looping trajectory around the Sun.
Why would a dwarf star be heading through our inner Solar System, toward the Sun? Simply explained, gravity works! You see, the mass of this incoming brown dwarf star is a thousand or more Earth-masses. Yet, the mass of our Sun is one-third of a million Earth-masses! So, our Sun is like that powerful magnet on the tabletop, with this incoming dwarf star being like a steel ball bearing rolling, by magnetic attraction, toward the magnet.
By maintaining daily awareness of God's presence, we can protect ourselves from falling debris. Also, the majority of people -- those who will escape a future impact -- can prepare in case such an impact leaves us abruptly thrown into a less technological civilization, as of a past era, in an Amish-like lifestyle. Check out
John DiNardo
will do, Cheryl, just pour me another last cup for the night.....LOL
All valid points, Nick. I read Pane Andov's book. He's a very interesting fellow.
Anyway, sit back, make another pot of tea and watch the show. It may be about to begin.
yes, I totally absolutely agree. citing one particular planet X is a mistake. Comet Ison to my mind fits the planet X category. but, we are also warned the passage through the dark rift will bring us up against a great deal of interstellar debris. Citing Tolec again, maybe Pane Andov.
another thought, maybe Gaia is depending on some impact events in order to rearrange the planet a bit as part of the dimensional shift. maybe it us part of the Cosmic plan, something so inevitable it is unavoidable .
Nick, with this recent spate of fireballs, I'd keep an open mind. It may not be "Planet X," the one we've been expecting, but according to McCanney there are many Planet-X-type objects out there. And if one doesn't show up, being hit by just one fairly large fireball could do the job to Planet Earth.
Thanks to John for this link:
Astrophysicist James McCanney Reports: Meteorite Threats Increasing
my own opinion, it simply does not exist I was half persuaded at one time but it seems more like an internet myth, this supposed dwarf star . I need an awful lot more convincing...sorry John......
Thanks Cheryl.
It worked for me. It's a scan of the December 1983 Washington Post article on John's Facebook page. Here's a copy:
Also, I have scans of the 1983 NY Times article and the 1984 World News & Report article at