Montague Keen via Veronica: The Bubble is Bursting
3/13/2018 12:53:00 AM Message
Montague Keen: The Bubble is Bursting
Many who planned and worked towards the destruction of the human race are being removed from the Earth. Some “deaths” are being reported, many more are just being edited out as if they had never existed. Many, like Zuckerberg, have lost millions, and as money equals power, his power has gone. Without it he is nothing.
The bubble is bursting. That is all it ever was. There was never any substance to it at all. Their control is fast disappearing and the evidence of this is there for all to see. There is nothing they can do to stop it. One of their last underground bunkers in TORC mountain, Co Kerry, Ireland, was demolished last week. This was a significant blow to them.
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