BIG SUNSPOT: A sunspot almost four times as wide as Earth itself is rotating onto the solar disk. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its entrance on March 2nd and 3rd; click to view a 24-hour animation:
The sunspot has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar flares. Indeed, it has already unleashed an M3-class eruption on March 2nd that created mild waves of ionization in the atmosphere over Europe.
Earth-effects could become stronger as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead. NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of additional M-class flares and a 5% chance of an X-flare during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.
source;, NASA
The only thing I check when in the sun is the effect on my skin. Mithy or someone else did mention to stay out of the sun if exposed skin feels like burning after a few second of exposure.
When we become bathed with the rays of the Galactic Sun, they say that the vibration coming to Earth will be quite strong and will allow for the Ascension to proceed in full force, changing us into being of light.
Using an opposite in order to emphasis the real point I m making, There is nothing exciting about the effects of a major CME, none at all. have you seen the earthquakes just now, these seem to be ramping up, there has to be a tie in along the way, i reckon an overall cause that is affecting the earth sun and now it seems, planet Venus is having its orbit interrupted. Is this planet X scenario myth or based on fact and is it having an effect as I write? or is it simply increases in energy from the galactic hub? Maybe torsion field effects.
If these solar flares are activating our DNA, then so be it.