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  • Jim, we have been losing our rights very quickly over the past year.  No protesting, no disagreeing with the Government, etc.  It is following Agenda 21 very closely and with BO with the very high probability of being reelected, well......we're screwed.

  • After they cancelled his show I saw him as one of there contributers one other time. He was with Shepard Smith in a video I saw. I think they will still use him once in a while, I will try and find the video.

  • Keith, this was signed Friday the 27th April 2012.  It was done in secret.  You can be arrested and put in prison for a year if you dissagree with the president, or just hold a negative worded sign when he goes by. 

  • This all boils down to one script----the bible's apocalypse.  They are following it to the last word. 

  • Better make sure you don't protest near a whore house you know how horney those secret service guys are. The Judge needs to be on TV all the time. When he indorced Ron Paul Fox fired him. 

  • Gaining respect by the day for various main stream news stations.

  • Thanks for posting Jim.  It is clear to me that there is a very overt race going on between people waking up to all the lies and evil and the elite who wish to extinguish our final freedoms to stop that from happening.  Will enough people snap out of their zombie-like state and stand up for their rights or will we lose all our freedoms while watching mindless TV and playing on our fancy ipads and iphones as the government dismantles the Constitution completely?

  • It's true but we did not loose anything. Because they violated the constitution, they are criminals.

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