Morgan Le Fay
Mother Mary asks us “Are you going to be a comfort, a balance, a protection, a healing “conductor,” or are you going to be swept into the chaos of the uncontrolled?”
When you are dealing with individuals who require instruction on the Law or when you are dealing with people in pain and distress, in fear or in anger, the very first thing you must do is to draw from your Causal Body God-qualified energies which fill the atmosphere of the room and are the master control, before you attempt your service. When you come to the service of handling great numbers are you going to be able to connect your emotional world with mine, your mental world with Lord Maitreya, your physical bodies with Lord Michael? Are you going to be able to plant your feet firmly upon the rocking surface of the Earth or the rushing tides of the sea as Jesus did, commanding and securing PEACE? Are you going to be a comfort, a balance, a protection, a healing “conductor,” or are you going to be swept into the chaos of the uncontrolled?
Cosmic moments come and go! I have lived through many! In those moments, if you are not prepared and at peace, you are temporarily cut off from the Brotherhood as a channel for their outgoing controlled force which would but energize your chaos, were they to pour it out to you when you were in distress. The Great and Holy Brotherhood is one and within it is all the gathered consciousness of every Being who has attained the right to become a member. Within it is all the light, love and momentum of Jesus’ victory, all the fire, strength and will of El Morya, all the wisdom and kindness of Kuthumi, all the tolerance and selflessness of Paul, the Venetian, all the purity of Serapis, all the scientific knowledge of Hilarion and all of the gathered momentums of the power of invocation of beloved Saint Germain.
Everyone who enters that Brotherhood gives his all to it. It is enriched by each one who has ascended and becomes a part of it. That total momentum of Light is accessible and available at the moment of any cosmic crisis. The Great Cosmic Silent Watcher in turn often use the bodies of harmonious chelas as a conductor to funnel constructively qualified energy into these destructive vortices, transmuting their cause and core. In this case, the fully gathered momentum of the Great White Brotherhood may be channeled through the mind, feelings, etheric body and physical body of a harmonious chela. IF THE PARTICULAR CHELA WHO HAS BEEN SPONSORED BY SOME MEMBER OF THE ASCENDED HOST IS IN A CONDITION OF DISTRESS, THE GREAT SERAPHIM HAVE TO LOOK ELSEWHERE to find some harmonious lifestream, perhaps one wholly “unconscious” of the Ascended Masters and therefore not as good a “conductor” as a student who has used the purifying Violet Flame. Through such an “unconscious conductor,” a thread of benediction flows, whereas a conscious chela would be a great conduit of light. Do you see?
The “unconscious conductors” have served us often through the ages and they are blessed indeed! However, just as the inside of a pipe becomes corroded and filled with impure substance, so does the consciousness of the average individual become filled with impure thought, feeling and etheric substance, unless there is conscious use by that individual of the Violet Fire which compels the purification of their individual lifestreams. Therefore “unconscious conductors” do not make as wide an open door for the Masters’ service as do conscious chelas who have used the Violet Fire of purification. IT IS A TRAGEDY INDEED FOR ONE TO HAVE WORKED TWENTY YEARS WITH THE VIOLET FIRE AND, AT A COSMIC MOMENT, BE UNFIT TO CONDUCT THE PROTECTION WHICH MIGHT SAVE A CITY! Preparation, application and purification are magnificent because, through the forcefields of your groups and through your individual selves, they create a wider and wider conduit of light. The radiation and pressures of the Great Ones, flowing through them are a great blessing to mankind.
Memoirs of Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary
The Bridge to Freedom, AMTF
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