Published on Sep 11, 2013
It seems that once again NASA has lost another satellite while it was on it's way to something groundbreaking. On it's way to view and image comet ISON Deep Impact went offline and NASA has lost communications with it does this sound familiar to you? Mars ring a bell?
Keith what a nasty place to land.
Peter, speculatively if Comet Ison is a UFO(s) and not friendly, then they might have shot the satellite down.
I think the next false flag will be closer to home Keith. I'm still worried about that nuclear weapon that was mysteriously moved. Haven't heard anything more about that one.
If shot down, who do you think did this Cheryl?
A convenient lie.
NASA does not lose satalites! They did the same thing with a Mars orbiter. Said they lost it when in fact they only took it out of the public domane. They do not want us to see what it looks like just yet. But sooner or later we will see it.
Or it was shot down?
Peter, that was exactly what I thought.
Lost the satellite?
More likely an easy excuse to not provide the feed from the satellite to the general public IMO!