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  • I get so tired of being played for a sucker.

  • Thanks, Peter.

  • Maybe not going to tell us until it is obvious!

    I don't know - checkout my latest blog including 2 new videos from BPEarthWatch.

  • Won't it come back into better view around December 5th or so?  If so, why would NASA lie when the lie would quickly be found out, I wonder.

  • It definitely is around as people on FB are reporting seeing it with binoculars -

    I posted this on JTM Kansas but want to share with all. I have been seeing COMET ISON for the past three days about 7:20 am. Kept watch this morning and almost gave up. Then about 7:35 I spotted the COMET; however, it was going to the South when previously I had seen it tracking North. Then above it I saw a 2nd COMET going to the North. It was probably ISON but it appeared to be farther away than the lst COMET. The two were one above the other! My husband saw both too. My question: Are these the 2 COMETS that could collide?????? Have a BLESSED Sunday everyone!
  • Hmm.  What's a few discrepancies, like frozen frames and disappearing tails? 

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