Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Audio Recording August 27, 2013
Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription August 27, 2013
As most of you know, I'm not sure about Cobra. He starts off by disagreeing with Cameron Day's latest blog, "Why I Am Not A Lightworker Any Longer," which was posted here not long ago. But then, he sounds like he is agreeing with Cameron Day, at least in principle, that false interferences can come on the line. It's hard to know for sure what the truth is, but I lean more in Cameron Day's direction than Cobra on this issue. But, that's just me and I'm sure there is more to learn. Listen and decide for yourself.
Talks about energy work in Syria and Egypt.
Syria a false flag.
"This was a false flag attack. This chemical weapon thing. The Cabal is quite desperate. They are planning to trigger war in Syria, but that will not be allowed. 1 negative etheric support has been cleared, so it is not possible. 2. The positive military has expressed if the Cabal tries to start war they will be removed. (Fantastic!) The cabal will try to push things to the edge but they will not cross over the edge. They will not manage to go into the actual war invasion. There is a possibility that it will trigger the event and remove them from the surface of the planet. There are some members of the positive military that are quite angry at this moment, but that are being held back. But they might not hold back for much longer if this continues."
Ancient goddess vortex was being suppressed by Archons in Syria, and has now been freed.
Lithium rockets discussed.
Laser beam shot at central sun on August 8th. Created a CME.
Armageddon is a 2,000-year-old prophecy. Things have changed.
{I was just thinking last night that we have two timelines that seem to be racing neck-to-neck... one of utter hopelessness and despair, and the other of glorious goodness. I don't think the race is over yet, but it is sounding (and appearing) like good is going to win. We haven't had any nukes go off yet, and suddenly the war drums stopped beating in the UK....~C}
PM of Hungary told IMF they no longer need assistance.
US fires started by Cabal.
Says embassy closures were just a distraction, nothing more. {The Vatican and consulates were kicked out of there bank at that time, so I think that, yes, it was more than just distraction. ~C}
Putin connected to the Eastern Alliance as well as several positive forces.
Deutsch Bank did not go down. Lots of disinfo on internet. Dinarian Gurus saying RV about to happen. Won't go down like that. It will happen after "the event."
The NASDARQ glitch was manipulated. If Cabal losing money, they shut it down, claim technical glitch. Means cabal is getting desperate. We can expect things like this more and more. Get your money out of banks ASAP. Bitcoin will remain an alternative currency. Better than current financial system, but nothing is 100% safe.
Vote on defunding NSA spying passed. Good news, but wait to see how it will be implemented.
News about airlift of tons of cocaine in Nicaragua and Honduras shows Cabal getting desperate for cash.
Currency reserve has to change before the reset happens.
NSA leaks on-going. Deeper stuff about gov't and ETs Snowden did not have access to.
Alexandra: Interesting. Very exciting time to be alive. I wanted to read this. This is so monumental: Dr. Coburn and Senator Paul Introduce Legislation to Restore Constitutional Limitations on Congressional Power
Jul 31, 2013
Today, U.S. Senators Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Enumerated Powers Act of 2013. This bill gives members of Congress the procedural tools necessary to stop unconstitutional legislation. Dr. Coburn and Sen. Paul introduced the bill along with 34 cosponsors. What do you think about that? Is this a deal breaker?
COBRA: This is one of the many political and legal efforts to restore the republic. There will be many more and many more are being prepared in the background.
Light forces are helping the Fukushima situation. Not as grave as the media is portraying it. Will be rectified after the Event.
Military movement is disinfo to instill fear in the population by the CIA.
Confirms Fulford's story about negotiations going on. Some part of the cabal appears to be negotiating surrender.
COBRA: What fulford is saying, this is the plan for the event. The federal reserve to go bankrupt by having to pay back their bonds. This will help trigger the financial re-set. This is the action that will trigger the re-set.
Cobra confirms the Neal Keenan lawsuit is part of the process.
COBRA: There is an agreement on certain things. There is disagreement on other things. This is why it is taking so long. The light forces have decided that when the time for the event is to be triggered they will not wait for everybody to align on everything. People will have to face the changes when they happen. All the Governments and Government officials will have to face realities and make agreements one way or the other.
COBRA: Yes, this is why I’m giving instructions to speed up the process for the calling on people to get groups together. There is not much time left. I’m not saying it’s this week or next. Time is running so fast. If you start a group and start gathering, very soon you will see changes happening.
Alexandra: Cobra, this is the most exciting interview I’ve ever had with you. It feels so much closer.
COBRA: It is getting closer Now it’s August. In Sept I expect some changes. In Sept we will see some action being taken. Very certain very concrete actions will take place – There are certain plans of the light forces to trigger things even next Monday.
Alexandra: Fantastic. Are they going to be in financial areas?
COBRA: All areas – These are just plans. Plans are to starting trigger things starting next Monday.
Sun will go through magnetic pole flip in a few months. We may feel the energies, some disruptions. Not expecting a big deal.
COBRA: Cobra’s source of inspiration is the desire to liberate the planet. It came from my own personal experience of the Cabal of being attacked. I can not tolerate it. They made a huge mistake by attacking me. I can not tolerate it. This planet needs to change. When one person makes this decision 100%, it will change. That’s the power of free will. We all have that power. {Same thing happened to me; when the cabal (via NL/ZT) attacked me, they made another huge mistake, too. So, I took a stand against what's wrong with this planet in the microcosmic form of that group. I'm not the only one taking a stand. Many others are. You can, too. ~C}
Yep, Rand Corp, closed door private offices, multi profile web software, list of objectives. deception experts at work.
Use the information to envision that better future, but don't rely on it.
I also have a hard time figuring out Cobra and like Donald say's feel his message and the channels are pacifying us. We keep getting led to dates and nothing happens but an excuse and another date. I would not be at all surprised if most of them come from the Rand Corporation. As of today the white house says it has the information that Assad is guilty and it appears that the war is on so why is there no mention of this conflict by the channels. WW3 could destroy this planet and they are silent. Fukushima will be just fine ,sure.
Thanks, DD. It's a good interview. A few things I don't think he has right (like the embassies closing and dissing Cameron Day (who might be on the same page, just expresses it differently?). The positive things are hopeful, but Don reminds us well to beware the "free gifts." It can be summed up, a bit crudely, by this old 60s/70s bumper sticker: "Cash, grass, or ass...Nobody rides for free." Something to remember when ET's are handing out trinkets.
But I really did resonate with Cameron Day's message. I had been noticing too many questionable things. One thing is the use of mythological or biblical names by these entities. That always struck me as odd and made me feel uncomfortable. It smacks of riding the coattails of something familiar and good for deceptive purposes.
I too believe that all will turn out ok. I do not believe it will be ok if humanity does nothing though.
I get a strong impression that Cobra is part of the pacification program to help us relax so we remain docile.
My question is, where does Cobra get his info, really. The voice obscure is a dead give away.
I also believe that most channels are also possibly part of the pacification program too.
So where does this leave us. We must all resist, or as many as possibly can at this point to make a difference.
I think the benevolent forces will only assist if an event is beyond our comprehension and control. They want us to learn and stand up for ourselves which means a consciousness of resistance against our captors. It means a consciousness of responsibility for our freedom and our world.
I know a lot of us have this now, but is it enough of us, no telling.
I believe that if we sit and wait to be rescued by any benevolent entity we will perish for sure.