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  • Cool.

  • Cheryl well said I am going to post a 6 minute video that say's the same thing.

  • I think we are passing the point of peaceful protests and petitions.  It's not a distraction.  It's just ignored.  They actually keep the people distracted and thinking something is being done when it's not.

  • Al Gore just sold his share for 500 million. I liked Al Jazeera until the Arab spring then it seemed to go to the Brotherhood. The government of Qatar owns it and during the Libyan massacre they had their soldiers at every major battle before and after the bombing started. Qatar is now arming the Syrian rebels. Gore works for the Cabal to create a carbon tan and Qatar helps with their war plans.  

  •  I don't think they care to much about what we think but the better start soon because we seem to be realizing we are being duped by them on a grand scale. The world is finally waking up. As seen by the non compliance to the media request to riot they are loosing their biggest control mechanism. Since media is controlled by the cabal they must be shaking in the boots. When Hilary said " we are loosing the information battle" she was right just look at what happened to Al Jazeera where 22 news casters quit. 

  • Although, Impeaching might be showing us we are capable. Maybe even the event with momentum for domino effect. But we all know the Rulers will go to any extent to turn off something good for us and turn on something good for them. I don't see the effect happening without more people knowing a bit more of the true extent of the horror their blind to. Hopefully during the impeaching process more truth about the whole picture will be absorbed by more masses.

  • Right on Steven we need to use Egypt as an example. I think people are waking up a lot faster now, just hope it's in time.

  • I'm not sure it would do any good, I feel as the obvious horrible disgusting immoral man slaughter, poison and complete disregard for any human life through unlimited means such as unnecessary war and violent military behavior, false flag events (terrorist bombings) or false flag (media hyping through lies or influencing charges upon people with unfounded trialing behavior), Poisoning population through air, water, food, and Intellect, suppressing technology that would eliminate most things that are essential for our present society to "Live" there for less 9-5 working for individuals, making "Living" cheap or Free along with the social and legal "Rules" upgrade from the new conscious society that is more just, suppressing spiritual knowledge that would set us free of our confusion and amnesia. Seems it all will carry on until enough people stand for the same thing at the same time to make a change to one massive thing and consciously deciding to carry that momentum to everything we know as humans.

  • We better hurry up if we don't want to end up in FEMA camps. 

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