A Critique: 07.29.12 A critique, discussion & review by Tolec, and Chris & Sheree of Truth Frequency Radio, regarding a July 27, 2012 breaking news story & 'transcript' of the "...PLEIADIAN HIGH COUNCIL" "...WITH FOUR OTHER GALACTIC COUNCILS", including the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL), and their plans to, "... MAKE FULL CONTACT WITH EARTH BEINGS IN EIGHT DAYS FROM THIS TRANSMISSION ON AUGUST 4, 2012 AT THE WORLD OLYMPIC GAMES IN LONDON ENGLAND FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE!"
We ask the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements & more from this news story, and 'transcript', make sense, are they plausible, do they come from a good loving place, what is their true intent & motivation...do they empower people?
Expect the commercial free, YouTube link, Andromeda Council video for this discussion to be posted here, on this page, by day end Monday, July 30, 2012. I also review details of, and after, the "Cosmic event", and the visitation plans of the 'good will' team & the people from the four (4) Andromeda Council planets.
website, refered to, and material taken with no desire to breach the terms of copyright but merely to inform readers here of what Tolec is saying
I agree with all of you, and i agree with Keith, Tolec avoids the negative, I was bit taken in, lets say, enthusuatsc about the Olympic thing but I alway allow for the fact I may be wrong, so it is no surprise if it is a load of BS. Tolec and Kimmel and Drake so far seem to hold the high ground for me, as far as credibility goes, Kettler, not so sure of., maybe he is. .
I just finished the whole show and it seems that The GFL is more of a mystery to Tolec and company but was good that he did not say anything bad about them. I did like his take on the fear motivation passed on with the disclosure decree by who knows who. An alien invasion was planned as far back as 1966 in the Report from Iron Mountain and project Blue Beam is the mechanism to make it work. IMO the strange noises heard around the world is HAARP practicing to find a noise that will scare the living hell out of you when a holographic mothership is above you.
No, we won't let that happen. ;-)
I'm listening to Tolec now, this sounds very reasonable Cheryl, in the end it is all guess work, maybe thats the fun of it all. one thing though about all this speculation it does keep us firmly awake, and on our toes. we will never ever be one of the sheep, not on this forum at least....
Tolec says GFOL (aka GFL or sometimes GF) are not the same as Tolec's GF (Galactic Federation). He highly questions the August 4th event. Talked about a possible Project Bluebeam to happen at the Olympics. He says he is skeptical. All the talk of fear is not something what benevolent ETs would speak.
Words in document (re Project Bluebeam false flag) has strange vibes. Mentions the July4th/5th... about cabal dealt with (Greg Giles) that stretched all bounds of truth. At least the human portion of the cabal at the top of the power structure are still around.
Words have meanings. When did the meanings change? If they no longer mean what we all have learned they mean, then it is deliberate misleading.
Solar flares -- May cause large earthquake, but we won't all be burned up.
Spirals of a few years ago = vibrational changes. They are energy vortices that open and close (as AC contact said).
I keep saying, lets see what Tolec has to say. he is going into the question and analyzing it, I am trying to stay up to listen depends how late it is posted. Tolec is the missing link here. lets not split hairs over dates, Cheryl, bear in mind time only has real meaning on our plane. they have to relate their time/spacial reality or absence of, to ours and it must of necessity be an approximation.
FYI, check out SaLuSa 7/30 and Mike Quinsey's Response, both in the Alien Sources/Channels group. SaLuSa sounds certain of August 4th, but Mike Quinsey says it's "intent."
SaLuSa actually says: “Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands”.
I hasten to add that this does NOT mean that SaLuSa is saying that August 4 IS the date for Disclosure either. It is a date “in mind” whereafter the Galactics will “take matters into” their “own hands, if necessary”.
So it is a tipping point. Not a fait accompli.
I point out that and no longer (underlined above) sure makes it sound like August 4th is "it." It actually implies it could be sooner.
well, after reading an analyses by Steve Bekow, think I got his name, anyhow 4th Augusts may be the date when they start making things happen. shall we say a gradual crescendo of activity, maybe the boss of Goldman sacs not turning up for work, maybe a senator not at his office another day, maybe the John Stenis carrier finding its turbines are spinning backwards one day and they can't find forward gears!!!!!! that sort of thing.
I am staying up for Tolec, I feel that damned restless right now, happy, content, but restless.
I remember tolec saying months ago that the Galactic Federation of Light is not to be trusted because the come from a race that is bred with reptillians. I just read SaLuSa and the way I see it is that Aug. 4th is the deadline for disclosure the the Galactics will take maters into their own hands after that date, A day a Week a Month after ??? We always end up at a DATE and not one has been valid.
just looked in the cupboard , had bit of a shock, tinfoil hat has a hole in it LOL
I do take this seriously, hard not to a bit over optimistic, we've waited so long for these events to happen as they seem to be doing...