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  • I've heard it and read on the topic pretty heavily.  From my understanding, proof positive has yet to be presented.  What I mean by this is proof that other known natural causes have been proven to not be the cause.  Sinkholes are not caused by an expanding earth yet are used as an example, they are caused by erosion primarily.  Fissures/cracks in the ground are known to be caused by various natural processes, earthquakes being the primary cause, this to is not in question.  I was just putting forth the other side of the token.
  • Ok, am going to play devils advocate for a bit so please don't take it personal.  Yes the atlantic is expanding but please keep in mind that the pacific is going through subduction.  Simple tectonic dynamics can account for all sinkholes and fissures that have occured.  As can magma well ups, continental drift, you name it, it can be accounted for.  The expanding earth theory is nice but not readily checkable.
    Also keep in mind that limited knowledge tends to lead to in accurate observations, most information we regard as accurate regarding space(planets, moons, stars, black holes, comets and asteroids) was set to paper over the last 50 years, so thinking comets were made of ice was reasonable at the time.  Now with the sophistication of technology we are able to become much more accurate.....for instance that comets can be composed of more than just dirty ice.  Ad for there being a rogue planet in our solar system... well who knows, I sure don't.
  • I listen to Coasttocoast am.  They had NL on last night talking about the zetas.  It was called "Zetas Special".

    This idea about PX returning seems to have a following, even through the evidence is not there.  I have read articles about mind control slaves and that one of the ear marks of a person being a mind control slave, is a dropping eye.  Marshalls has a dropping eye.

    It is called the "Monarch Mind Control Methodology".    At one time this was the can only guess what is being used today....


    IMO...and observations

  • AS we found out later in life not all comets are dirty little snow balls!  


  • Remember, the Planet X crop circle (Avebury 2008) indicated that it would be visible in December, 2012, and people like Marshall Masters have been saying that all along.  That crop circle also shows the sun growing enormous, almost out to the orbit of Venus.  If that is true, we are toast, so let's hope it's not...  If you haven't seen it, I'm sure you can Google pics of it, it's also on the cover of Marshall Master's book about surviving the Edgar Cayce pole shift called Crossing the Cusp: .
  • Add up all the new cracks forming, and sink holes it is evidence that the earth is expanding.  Also we learned in school that the atlantic rift is spreading by about an inch a year pushing the east coast of the U.S. farther from the west coast of Ireland, UK.  So obviously the earth has been already expanding slowly and forces in space are now obviously speeding it up.
  • Yes Kim!

    I think this is and other cracks are POSITIVE PROOF!

  • The earth is expanding.
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