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  • The elite did not want us to have free energy as they knew this was a big money maker.  

    Back in the 70's the government destroyed a water turbine in West Virginia that was powering a whole valley with electricity, for free.  Why did they do that?  To force all those people to hook up to the utility companies.  So people lost their free electricity.  It's all about greed.

  • Peter good thoughts. Henry Kissinger said last year the world does not have a chance against the technology the elite already have. If you look at the twin towers you may begin to believe what he is saying. Edgar Casey tapped into something so maybe Tesla did too. 

  • Byron, I agree Tesla's inventions have been deliberately held from us which has resulted in disadvantage and basic slavery. IMO the PTB/W know how to use Tesla's technology (and probably use it secretly for their own purposes).

    I also agree Tesla is arguably the greatest technological mind in our lifetime! Maybe he was not of our planet, however, I prefer to think he was a human who had the ability to tap into the infinite knowledge of the universe - much more so than just about all of us!

    Maybe, just maybe (in a twisted sort of way) the technology has been hidden from us for a reason other than control by the PTB/W. Maybe we were just not ready to handle it and now that we are awakening - the fall of the PTB/W, full ET disclosure and the roll out of these technologies - could all be part of a massive shift to what could be described as 4D or our new age of enlightenment. Just thinking out load here.

  • Peter the things that plague this world are done on purpose. So many things have been denied to us in the name of greed and the end result is control.    Keith I think the technology is already here and is afraid to be applied. If it is it may receive the same brutal resistance the rest of technology has received. I believe it is very close. What happened to Tesla was a travesty to mankind and I believe he was the greatest mind of our lifetime and not of this planet. 

  • There should be a global push to have Tesla's work released to the general public - this would solve many things that currently plague our world - I truly hope this happens!

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