No Fly Zone Over Ft. Calhoun Due To "Hazards"

Read Gerald Celente's article in today's Economy News.  He mentions a false flag nuclear event as a possibility to crash the economy.  I got to thinking about Ft. Calhoun.  It is practically in the center of the U.S.  The West Coast is getting radiation from Fukushima, so how about a nuclear incident in the center of this country to spread radiation eastward by the westerlies?  Creepy thought, but it makes sense strategically.

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  • Keith  I always use the utube link. 2 yrs ago I bought a new mac with win/7 on it it seems like my adobe flash player download has expired do they
  • I am getting a box with a red X in it nowall over the net but not all utube vids are blocked just radiation and some conspiracy. very strange
  • Sometimes youtube is playing with no problems.  I don't know what starts the problems, whether it got busy or what.  It stops and the daisy wheel spins so I guess it is buffering data but it does it so much, it ruins the music or the flow of a discussion.  So, I do what Keith does.  I mute it, let it do its thing while I do something else.
  • Cheryl  The thing that most worries me the most is what Terral said about making it rain to break the dams. There has been 10 dam failures in montana since the last rain, things are not good for the power plant down stream. Not to mention your favorite word but a flood of EPIC proportion will travel through many towns. Looks like hotel Fema will be leaving there lights on for you. Arnie Gunderson is also expecting this to happen.  
  • I have 32 bit  it always worked before. this morning Adobe flashed an up date on the screen and I went for it. there have been alot of videos shut off to me by Adobe everytyhing to do with radiation.
  • adobe does not work for 64 bit ..user the 32 windows..
  • whats going on every time I go to a site with anything to do with this plant I get an Adobe message to upgrade to see the video when I go to upgrade it says it is not available fo my 64 bit computer am I being blocked by the NRC ?

    Nebraska Nuclear Plant at Level 4 Emergency

    June 14, 2011
  • Shhhhhhh
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