Everything I know about Nostradamus, a bit from here and there , mentioned from some books, prophecy books speculation..... Discovery and History Channel.....might be the same like your knowledge. Nothing new.
Couple months ago, I had a chance to read the book: " The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012" by Carlos Barrios ( June 30, 2009).
Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya, Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the 'old ways on Turtle Island (North America).They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.
Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan
a member of the Guatemalan Mayan Elders Council
Part II - August 2009 Interview With Mayan Elder Carlos BarriosPart II - August 2009 Interview With Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios: " Carlos had said the United States West Coast is area expected for large earthquakes as Mayan prophecy has been interpreted by the elders. In a recent conversation with Carlos since our interview, more specific areas have been mentioned.
Most of the information provided in this book are not really new to myself, EXCEPT this one:
The information that I found the most astounding in the book is that this priest said: ( thru his studies with the Elder Mayans) when the first Spanish ships came to the America continent, there is a doctor went with those ships ( to serve soldiers/ civilians..); according to Spanish record : this doctor DISAPPEARED;
In those 10-15 years, this doctor lived with the Mayan, and received all the teachings, all the Mayan knowledge, math...prophecy, ...crystal......
After those years ( around 15 years), this doctor REAPPEARED in Europe ( I don't remember which country),
Nostradamus became a student of this doctor, and received the knowledge of the Mayan culture , including the art of reading the future.....and so on.....
So the connection is here !!
Those information above are from this book by Carlos Barrios