Earth was manifested from the higher dimensions and created from the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The Arcturians contributed their knowledge of sacred geometry and Earth from their home world of Arcturus. Lyrans contributed their exceptional knowledge technology and contributed fire from a Lyran flame. The Pleiadians contributed their knowledge of unconditional love and water from their home star system, the Pleiades. Sirians contributed their knowledge of nature and creativity and air from Sirius.
The primordial waters are Pleiadian in origin and carry the frequency of unconditional love. Earth from Arcturus was placed into the primordial water and fire was placed below the water and earth and the air placed above it. The Pleiadians, Arcturians, Lyrans and Sirians infused the four elements with their intentions until the elements fused together to create the Earth. The Pleiadians and the Arcturians worked together to design and create the matrix using the universal laws. The Lyrans and Sirians worked together to design and create the complex environmental system present on Earth and seeded it with life.
Once the Earth was created and seeded with life, attention was directed towards the humanoid race they were developing. What will they look like? How will they live? The Lyrans, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Sirians deliberated and then decided that the humans would contain their genetics and also the genetics of the organisms living on Earth. It was decided that humans would be mammalian as it was required for the unconditional love that the Pleiadians insisted on being a part of human consciousness, embodied by the element water. Lyrans insisted that humans be motivated to work and survive, embodied by the element fire. Sirians insisted that humans be creative and have free will, embodied by the element air. Arcturians insisted that humans be ingenious, embodied by the element of earth. The Arcturians and Lyrans contributed to the masculine form of human consciousness and the Pleiadians and Sirians contributed to the feminine form of human consciousness.
We are the extraterrestrials!