Nuclear detonation??

This is a weird story, what do you think ...

I live in Phoenix, AZ. I left work at 5:30 AZ time from Scottsdale, AZ. I

entered Shea Blvd. approximately 5:37 PM from 70th St. I turned and headed

west on Shea. To the direct west /southwest I noted a smoke plume that started

at the ground and continued up to some type of aircraft. I immediately knew

this was NOT a jet aircraft since the smoke plume started at ground level. The

smoke plume was extremely thick, much like the space shuttle would produce.

Within minutes this aircraft appeared to me, to be on the edge of the

atmosphere. Don't ask me how I know, I am just giving you my interpretation. I

am a licensed pilot and have been an aviation buff most of my life.

I managed to snap a few pics of the smoke plume with my cell phone. I will

up load them later. At this point my first guess was that this aircraft

originated near Luke AFB based on where where the smoke plume originated.

I arrived home at my normal time, about 5:50 PM. I took my wife out back to

show her the plume. She was freaked out about it as well. She then said, "why

don't I call John Doe?". I said, "yea, get him on the phone, I'd like to hear

what he has to say". John Doe is obviously a pseudonym to protect my source.

He is in the Air Force and works at Luke AFB. My wife got John on the phone, I

told him what I saw and said this had to be rocket powered. He simply said,

"your'e correct. You do know they're retiring the space shuttle, right?" and I

replied, "yes". He said, well, what you saw is the latest technology, it is

rocket powered and it is orbital. It is to replace the space shuttle.

So, I began voicing my concern given that Obama was in India with the entire

Whitehouse staff and a battery of warships. I said, something is going on. He

simply said, "yes, something is going on". I went on to tell him about the

USGS data posted here recently that almost simultaneously triggered every

seismic sensor in the US and in fact across the world. He confirmed there was

an event. I said, "was it natural" and he said "no". I said was it nuclear and

he said, "yes, but unintentional". I said, "what country?" and he replied,

"guess". I said "India" and he said, "yes". I inquired "an accident?" and he

replied, "yes". I inquired, "in a silo" and he replied, "yes".

I asked him if there was anything to worry about, he said, "not yet, not

stateside". He said Obama was there for containment and this is a HUGE deal.

You will NOT read about this nuclear event on the news. But this is an event

of epic proportion.

That is virtually my entire conversation. I asked questions based on my own

common sense and he answered "yes" or "no". This clearly explains why Obama

took his entire staff as well as a fleet of warships, etc. This also explains

why we are being distracted with "mail bombs" and such on the news. It also

explains the seismic event that nobody seems to want to report in the news.

This is what I know, this is what I was told by a fighter pilot from Luke

AFB. Believe it or don't. I'm just throwing it out there.


Eric J

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  • What else could it be, but oil....hydrocarbons....the events that we are monitoring point to this type of effect .....and is one of the charcteristics of the PX passing....

  • Went shopping today and took pictures of the sun on 11/14. The light pole is blocking out the sun leaving the halo's. Under analysis, halo rings can be seen. The earth is passing through some type of substance in outer space effecting how light is being diffused in the upper atmosphere. One day the earth encounters this substance another day it does not. It's weaving in and out of something.

  • What a fabulous video and so believable! I'll bet all this strange goings on are from fiendish government ops that are using subversive acts to start the war machine. For them to go to such lengths of denial and expect the public to buy it is an insult. A smoking gun in their grubby paws and say "I don't know " is preposterous! Satellites in orbit to spy on our every move, but have no clue where a lethal missile comes from is laughable!
  • The plot thickens ...

  • This is just a wild guess, but could it be possible that all governments are pooling their resources and sending nukes or whatever into the atmosphere to prevent any clear view of what's up there near the sun? Is PX becoming visible to the naked eye and chemtrails no longer adequately hide it?

    Or are they setting the stage by priming the atmosphere to achieve a sinister ploy to dupe us- ie fake alien invasion to usher in NWO agenda?
  • And, it goes without saying (but I'm saying it anyway)...if the plug is pulled tomorrow, are you ready?
  • This just came in ..... Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
    09 Nov 2010
    All links are here:
    Pentagon calls mystery missile 'unexplained,' cannot rule out threat 10 Nov 2010 The Pentagon said a missile launch off the southern coast of California remained "unexplained" and that its mysterious origins meant that it was not possible to rule out any threat to the homeland. Earlier yesterday, NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and NORTHCOM (United States Northern Command) officials told Fox there was no threat. However, Pentagon Spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan would not confirm that because the military does not know what the missile was or where it came from.
  • Check this thread out on glp (it's about the unexplained missle launch in CA and a UFO)
  • It appears so ... all the more so to keep an eye on things now ... your intuation ... that 6th sence we all have ... will play an important part from now on
  • Unbelievable that they are trying to pull that off (comtrails)..same thing on our local news last night...they must have given the word to all the local news networks to give the same propaganda.
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