Obama Issues New Threat To SCOTUS


In case you don't know, this is tampering with judges.  Unbelievable!  Fox News originally reported, Sher Zieve(1) wrote the op-ed, and CanadaFreePress is carrying it. 

(1) "Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows."

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  • I beg to differ on quantity speaking volumes.  According to the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard produced some 65 million words on Dianetics and Scientology, contained in about 500,000 pages of written material, 3,000 recorded lectures and 100 films.  And it's all b.s.  So quantity and longevity does not necessarily equal quality or truth.

  • Everything has to make sense and has to reason itself out.My teacher as i have stated and has been ignored,his 400 plus books,cds,dvds,tapes,and magazines speak for themselves,Plus his 40 pluss years of teaching speaks volumes.Their are certain books as well as certain instances where he predicted things to happen and they did,names and year and sometimes day it would happen.He did this as for me,from 1991 to 2002.Every year on dec.31 we would have a nuwaubu or nuwaupu african ball like in the movie Coming To America,and he would get in front of hundreds and tell us what will happen in the upcoming year,and he would be dead on.It is all documented so no one can ever say he was a fraud or a liar.There is also books that he wrote and other books that members wrote concerning him.Titles such as,Man of the hour,Leviathan part 1,2,3,The Millinium Book 1,2.Man of Miracles in this day and time 1,2.The Holy Tablets,The Black book,plus cds and dvds.One cd was called,You Left to soon,the prophecies came true,which by the way is full of things he said then that are still being confirmed.One such thing that he taught in the 60s that hadnt been discovered or been craked  as of yet was the mathmatical equation of 9 to the 9th power of 9,plus he taught back in the 60s,that the atom was not the smallest element,then he broke it down to what elements were there even when they couldnt be seen with the human eye,so how did heknow that back then,especially a black man.The maya were excellent predictors for eclipses,etc..I will do a post on what All is and it will answer your question..

  • How do you know there are negative light beings?  Do you know one?  What I'm saying is everything is information from somewhere that is difficult-to-impossible to verify. 

    "They match what's about to happen..."  How can they match if they haven't happened yet? 

    Are negative light beings part of ALL?  Does ALL include all sentient life, or is ALL only a portion, which belies its name? 

    I too trust my dreams, OBEs and listen to what was written long ago, but I also listen to what's going on now and trust my instinct.  Okay, so we beg to differ.  That's okay.  Just don't push it.  Post it and let people ask questions if they're interested.  No make wrongs. 

  • I hear ya,i just dont believe in faireytale aliens that are not known.Destiny is one thing,fate is another.They ,the ancient ones and all ancient cultures were not wrong with there accurate predictions.Sumerians,dogons,hopi,maya,tamarian,egyptian,olmac,guess they werent right either.?.Which still happens if  you know how to tap into ALL.Their is no lie while in the state of All.These people were in deep meditation or were allowed to see the future by way of The source,ALL.All doesnt lie,these negative light beings do,and they wont ever change.I trust my dreams,my out-of-body expeierences,and what was written long ago,and they match with whats about to happen,judgement and all.peace...

  • And you can say what you want.  You see, no one can prove anything as to what is going to happen.  If our attitudes can change our reality, staying stuck in old prophecies keeps reality stuck.  I think it is okay to believe things don't have to be any particular way just because someone said so.  Yes, empires collapse.  They tend to rot from within, from moral decay. 

    Tracy, it's okay to express your opinion but you are treading on the line of pushing your opinion down our throats, so please lighten up.

  • Salusa can say what it wants.It america will fall just like all the other empires,mind you all these empires were built on evil and were prophisized in spirit.And when you are in the spirit, lies dont exist.That why all prophesy books and cultural prophecys always come true.The 4 beast of revelations 4:7.Lion,Bull,Man,Eagle,each representing 4 major empires,the last being the eagle,which is america.Now these empires had been around for a while,yet the prophecys concerning them are and were dead on,no alternate timeline here,which i feel is one of their lies to say to the sheeple,saying,hey eveything will be ok,we have escaped judgement.Not this time.America and all its allies will die,either by each others hand or nature,which is neteru.

  • On the positive side, the latest SaLuSa says the biblical end-times scenario isn't going to happen.  I suppose this means we are on a different reality track than what could have been.

  • america was built on murder,violence and coruption.america is the last beast of the 4 in revelations.the eu trying to hold its power together is in the book of revelations and daniel.america is supposed to fall,its all apart of prophecy.America lived by the sword so shall it die by the sword.

  • One would not threaten Social Security unless one was intent on provoking a fight.  Social Security is a sacred cow no one touches.  Until now.  This is the second time he's threatened it. 

  • Perhaps it is intentional to provoke a civil war.

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