"Evolution---Paul D. MacLean, as part of his triune brain theory, hypothesized that the limbic system is older than other parts of the brain, and that it developed to manage fight or flight circuitry which is an evolutionary necessity for reptiles as well as humans. However, recent studies of the limbic system of tetrapods have challenged some long-held tenets of forebrain evolution. The common ancestors of reptiles and mammals had a well-developed limbic system in which the basic subdivisions and connections of the amygdalar nuclei were established." source: Wikipedia
Maybe the Obaammaa administration hasn't been told... maybe BO is one of them, and they don't have the heart to tell him. Where IS his birth certificate?
They would only be considered extraterestrial if they originated off of this planet....I wonder how many generation have to be born her to qualify as native....
THIS BLOG SOULD READ NO INTELLIGENT LIFE FOUND IN THE WHITEHOUSE. http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/24-06-2011/118302-giants...
We've all learned something like this:
"Evolution---Paul D. MacLean, as part of his triune brain theory, hypothesized that the limbic system is older than other parts of the brain, and that it developed to manage fight or flight circuitry which is an evolutionary necessity for reptiles as well as humans. However, recent studies of the limbic system of tetrapods have challenged some long-held tenets of forebrain evolution. The common ancestors of reptiles and mammals had a well-developed limbic system in which the basic subdivisions and connections of the amygdalar nuclei were established." source: Wikipedia
... add the twist:
...question: - serpent OR alien?
A nice way of getting a person's name on a list if they fill out form. So now we know who believe's in UFO's.
Pretty crafty....
Whatever Obama.