I lost my granddaughter to the California "system." I've seen the corruption here in Virginia. I went toe-to-toe with a CPS worker here locally. I was read-up on what the game is. I advised my son what was coming and how to handle it. It played out textbook. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. He stood his ground and she backed down.
They bully people into signing their forms, no explanation. "You'll lose your kids if you don't sign." Actually, you can lose your kids IF YOU DO sign. He asked to show the forms to our attorney. She bullied harder. Said no attorney needed to review them. (How's that for the unlawful practice of law by a CPS worker... saying a lawyer doesn't need to review a legally-binding agreement?) She wouldn't let him keep the form for review. He refused to sign. Of course, they are "bad, bad, bad" because they did not "cooperate" with the bullying.
A Texas attorney is fighting CPS tooth and nail. You can search him on the internet.
Be aware of this practice. Tell everyone you know who might have children at risk. As this article indicates, once they get their hands on the kids, you may never get them back... even if you are right and they are 110% wrong!
It is. Statistics show that more children are harmed by the system than are rescued. Case in point. I was trying to get my granddaughter to live with me pending adoption, but California DCFS dragged their feet since I am out-of-state. She was molested while in foster care. CPS is designed to break up families. Everything she is NOT is what she was adopted by, against the laws that provide that families of children should be the ones to adopt before strangers.
The most important thing is to react quickly, go to the tv and radio stations, protest in front of the court house. get a layer to verify your childs wherabouts. It is nothing more than child trafficing.
It's nationwide, above the law, in bed with the law, and, if the Texas attorney is correct, influenced by communism.
It isn't just California. Mississippi is so bad it is unreal! I had to deal with them while trying to get my granddaughter from her mother who was gang-banging!
This is old news. Happened a year ago. All's quiet for now.