Orwell's Permaneant War?


I apologize for not putting this in the Military/Wars group but I truly feel it is too important to be overlooked. There is a lot of very frightening information in this article by Alexander Higgins and in the links he has provided. I encourage all members of this community to explore its contents and to comment on it as they see fit. I only request that all who comment please have consideration for each others feelings and follow The Golden Rule. It is not my intent to spread fear, nor is it my aim to sugarcoat reality. Neither is helpful for personal growth, in my opinion. 

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  • I hope you are right Paul, but there doesn't seem to be much peace prevailing now. It's difficult for me to believe that there is a spirit world that will stop a new major war when it did not stop Israel from bombing the Gaza strip this week and killing innocent children. I do believe what a person focuses on is important but I don't believe it is wise to ignore negative events and rely solely on spiritual intervention to save us from disaster. I ascribe to the philosophy of "God helps those who help themselves (and others)." I do appreciate your perspective though, thanks for sharing it.
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