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  • Thanks, Peter.

  • In term of predictions:

    Pattie believes the earthquake predicted for August 11th to 17th, 2013 (due to planetary alignment) actually happened but was somehow dispersed across the planet's crust - probably by something they have in the DUMB's. This resulted in the Moon shifting some 22 degrees out of it's normal path.

    She says others are predicting more quakes around the 26th of August - this is possible.

    She is still predicting the passing of our solar system's second sun (brown dwarf) between Earth and our Sun sometime between September 26th and 30th, 2013 including 3 days of darkness, loss of the Earth's protective shield and resulting in all sorts of problems from radiation.

  • I haven't watched these.  Just wondering if she changed her time table.  I remember something like August 17 to August 26. 

  • Part 3 of 3:

  • Part 2 of 3:

  • so bizzar how matter of fact she is, and so sure of herself.

    hmmm.... I feel like I should pray for her.

    and I will... yep.

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