The true impact of the cut will really be felt in the final week of November, when food stamp recipients will begin to run out of benefits.

According to Margaret Purvis, the CEO of the largest food bank in America, members of her Food Bank for New York City organization, are“panicking” over the decrease in benefits, fearing a rush of hungry Americans.


“We’re telling everyone to make sure that you are prepared for longer lines,” Purvis told NBC News.

I'll add my own story to this.  Our local food bank dispenses once a month.  October's box contained exactly one, count it... one... pack of meat.  It was a small pack that contained two small ribs, mostly fat and bone.  It wasn't even enough to feed one person.  It did provide a treat for the dog, in the form of the bones.

They do give away other tasty treats in addition to the pack of fat and bone:  GMO corn, GMO corn chips made with High Fructose Corn Syrup, Cheez-Its full of MSG and other chemicals, plus several miscellaneous cans of beans, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.  For two people, for a month, a dozen eggs and one loaf of white bread. 

That is the monthly food bank.  We can get bakery products three Wednesdays a month, but it is mostly sweets, nice but unhealthy.  Almost never any decent loaf bread, though sometimes some decent artisan bread. 

My son lost $11 a month in food stamp benefits, not the end of the world he says.  Not yet, I say.  We continue to stock up as we can, but it's getting leaner and leaner.

If you read the recent article I posted about the LDS canneries scaling way back, and as I mentioned before, the time will come when they will be closed to anyone not LDS.  Can't blame them.  It's been very generous that they sold to non-LDS all these years.  But the time is coming.  If you are relying on the "best bang for the buck," there's still a little time left.  But not much.  The next best is probably Wal-Mart overall.  Check their food out on-line, because they do carry bulk products you don't see in the stores.

And yes, the line was much longer than normal, which explains the shortage of meat in the boxes.  I have a friend who is disabled and gets SSI.  She really depends on those food boxes and it really, really hurt.  The press has been making noise like people on disability are freeloaders.  But there are a lot of people who really do need the assistance.  Maybe SSA and welfare departments need to do a better job at screening applicants.  And maybe predator lawyers who milk the system should be hung in the town squares.  Just thinkin' out loud. Anyway, with the gov't spending millions to protect gov't buildings...

This has prompted some to speculate that the Department of Homeland Security is gearing up for potential unrest with its recent hiring of security guards to protect government buildings in New York, as well as the purchase of half a million dollars worth of fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations.

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  • Well, let's hope it won't be as bad as they fear.

  • She is in Gettysburg, PA in my area.

  • That's good.  Is she in a big city or more rural?  I'm in a rural area.

  • In my area, the food banks are slightly down, but everyone seems to get their needs met.  Husband's Aunt always has her pantry over flowing with decent foods including organic thanks to these places.

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