Phoenix Journal 34
Violinio Germain, & Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton
Germain stresses to us the importance of true meditation and gives excel-lent "how to" instruction to accomplish it and how to use it to control our lives. It is the most important of all the functions of human life which advances progress.
When you accomplish true meditation you are communicating directly with God for the purpose of knowingly working with Him.
Two tapes are included with this book because written word instructions usually are not sufficient in helping you to accomplish the meditative state.
We are given the TRUE definition of love and prayer (not at all what most of us consider them to be) and the importance of understanding the true definitions so that we can improve our daily lives with this knowledge.
We are told what hypnosis is and best of all how to use self hypnosis for our benefit.
Man on Earth is transitioning into the Cosmic Age and to assist us some knowledge never before given to Earth marl Is being brought forth through these JOURNALS.
There are many other topics covered to assist us in our journey into the LIGHT
Father has a msg that starts on pg 107
He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
That is the first mark of progress--when you leave the things of God to God. The best you can do is that which Little Crow said: ―God does all things in His own way in His own perfection and ALL will be EXACTLY AS IT WILL BE!‖ pg90
In my world, what is given in love shall be repaid 100 times.
My little story of Belief… Years ago, I had just moved to a new city. There was a small church close by, which I attended occasionally. I remember it was a holiday. I had my last $2 in my purse, which I gave without question Believing. The next day mail was delivered, there were two envelopes containing $200 in cash.
God is Good! Believe! God bless!
If you give with Love, you have not sacrificed, for Love will be regiven to you in equal measure. pg87
LIVING PHILOSOPHYTo bring blessings upon yourself, bless your neighbor. To enrich yourself, enrich yourneighbor. Honor your neighbor and the world will honor you. To sorely hurt yourself,
hurt your neighbor.
He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
The measure of a Man‘s wealth is the measure of wealth he has given. To enrich
yourself with many friends, enrich your friends with yourself.
That which you take away from any man, the world will take away from you.
When you take the first step to give yourself to that which you want, it will also take
its first step to give itself to you.
Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon; they spread from you out
to infinity beyond your horizon. The whole universe is a mirror which reflects back to
you that which you reflect into it.
Love is like unto the ascent of a mountain. It comes ever nearer to you as you ever
nearer to it.