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  • Keith, while the evidence she cites is compelling, I have a problem accepting the "since it never has happened, it never will happen" theory. 

    Assuming, for the sake of argument, that she is correct that the geological records do not reveal that a catastrophic pole shift has ever happened, then that blows a hole in prior passages of PX, wouldn't you think?  But what about geological records that indicate great earth changes did, indeed, occur?  Could PX have passed but not caused a measurably remarkable pole shift?  The author cites that the north pole used to be south, so is that not a pole shift?  A rather large one, it seems.  I wonder what the lava flow evidence showed about that shift.

    And, while her information may be true, it may not be complete.  Perhaps a "pole shift" in and of itself won't create mass destruction, but what about other related events?  Have you ever heard of any evidence of a crustal shift?  Or is there any way to detect or measure a crustal shift? 

    And, of course, there is disinformation.  It's easy enough to pick a narrow focus and tell the truth that there is nothing to worry about, and ignore the broader picture of which it is a part.

    So....  like everything I read these days... I'll take it under submission and see if any other data refutes or supports the theory.

  • I read something that mentioned the magnetic poles could break into multiple smaller ones.  Could that actually happen?

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