PLEIADES This is awesome

There is a reverence in ancient, 
and in modern Japanese culture 
for the constellation that we call 
the Pleiades. 
As with the ancient Japanese traditions,
the Pleiades is considered to be their 
ancestral home, as with many ancient, 
non-assimilated indigenous cultures, 
spanning the globe.

The Pleiades constellation, in Japanese 
is called "Subaru". 

If you own or come across a Subaru 
automobile, check out the grille. 
It is a representation of the Pleiades 
This dance piece is special. It is a 
staggeringly beautiful light and dance 
performance piece, choreographed and 
performed by Saya Watatani and Maki 
Yokoyama, directed, with light animations 
produced by Nobuyuki Hanabusa and Seiya 
Ishii and music by Nobuyuki Hanabusa.
Video (under 4 and a half mins): 
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  • Lovely.

  • Thank you for posting, Byron!
  • Your welcome Peter

  • That is so good! Thanks Byron!

  • This information blew me away. The dance was beautiful.

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