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  • "..there is a school of thought that believes that the moment the future is seen it changes simply because the observer/s behave differently from how they would have if they didn't know......."


    I tend to agree with this school of thoughts. Our action s today changes the prophetic outcomes of the future. but only up to the paremeters of what we can control. If PX IS approaching then knowing this will not change its course one iota.


    What if what we know today about the future is in erroneous. Then surely the prohecy will come true. I think maybe we are in this situation now because we can't even agree when, where, and how PX will approach us. Many out there including the public who are not members of the poleshift nings are now looking to the Sun for PX (thanks to Nancy's fantasy).  Now Nancy's followers think they know and are tracking PX all these years. BUT, the Kobrin bible say it will sneak up like thief in the night. So I reason from this is that PX is due South where majority of the Earth's population could not see it coming! and thanks to Nancy, everyone is paying attention to the wrong direction that is which the direction of the Sun!

  • I don't believe it will be pushed back, indefinitely or for any given time period or until more come to repent/believe. There most assuredly are geophysical processes. Where I connect them with what is in store for us by way of creationism is in believing our Creator knows when and how these processes will occur. The Creator knows the end-game, knows our every thought and how we will end up accepting truth. Sure, there might be a desire that He/She wants more to turn to believing, but what time do most turn to Him/Her? When things are roughest! Few have a belief system (faith) so strong and live out of such conviction that their actions and words don't fudge in humanly ways. If the spirit of the Creator isn't instilled in them by now, I'm doubting even the shakiest of times will jar them to buy us more time. It will happen when it happens.
    As for the New Agey belief that we can change things by thinking positive --- I just don't buy it. Sincerer loving prayer and repentance, however, feel different to me. They have a different basis and outcome.
    I'm not saying positive thoughts aren't positive. Don't get me wrong. I do believe junk in/junk out. I do believe what goes around comes around. I do believe that thoughts are things, and can manifest things... but all three of these pertain to earth and life... not the eternity and spiritual afterlife.
    OK, I'll shut-up... and we can get on with the thread. I give you permission to kick me if you think I'm too preachy...
  • Precognition........there is a school of thought that believes that the moment the future is seen it changes simply because the observer/s behave differently from how they would have if they didn't know....... as for the timing given by various sources regarding the POLE SHIFT, the quick and simple answer is that no one knows WHEN nor for that matter, HOW LONG OF A PROCESS IT IS.  I am not trying to tread on anyone's belief structure, I personally believe in my Creator.  I just know that if an intelligent hand is guiding the future events then I might just have a problem with them if its simply a natural process that occurs then I have no one to blame.  We are a very short lived species so rarely do we manage to see the beginning and the end of any geophysical processes, let alone one on the scale of a pole shift, I personally doubt that it has been stalled or push to a later date by mysterious hands.....I simply feel that the straw that broke the camel's back has yet to be placed on the camel.  It will be a chain of effects that once started will run through completion.   
  • That is right Kim we have a second chance.

  • msred - the prophets say not many people are praying these days.   The reason they say the disasters/earth changes have been delayed is waiting for more to start praying again and to turn back to the Creator.

  • MSRED, so true!  But, there are people and angels on the earth who are overseers.  Their job is to protect and help when ever they can, and to counter the bad stuff.  They work directly for God, and have a better connection then most people do.  For the rest of the people on earth, the best prayor that they can say is "God forgive me". 

  • Yes our Creator could choose to hold back these events for 1,000 years.  I don't feel that will be the case.


    A visionary came out with a message saying great disturbances to take place in the USA in January 2011.  It of course was vague, but what disturbances could they be talking about?  Earth changes/disasters?  Social upheavals? 

  • Jim, I hope you are right. I find it hard to believe there are that many praying, earnestly, repentantly and humbly. We are a nation (and world) of pretenders, as a general rule. The days of a collective sincerity are history... I guess it comes from being so blessed for so long and not feeling the need of being true STOs. Yea, we hit here and there, but as for our day to day living, giving and caring, often, comes second to the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It might be too late for those of us with strong faith to defrost and give it 100%, and as for the younger generations, they have not been schooled in depth, and have little faith to fall back on... we have created generations with a sense of entitlement, I'm afraid.

  • I agree Kim!  There have been several times when we got saved by grace.  God put it off cause we asked him to.  But it will come some day.  I was thinking 1000 years from now.  So lets keep asking and praying!

  • According to some of the marian visionary prophets, there has been an extension, or delay to the earth changes.
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