MotherMaryYesMother Mary:

My precious, my lovely angels of light, of heartfelt grace and abundant love. I come to you today through this channel to bring to you my blessings, to bring you my heartfelt love and abundant grace.

As you embark upon and ride this increasingly building wave of light, it is necessary to look within and notice what still needs to be forgiven for and by yourselves. My dear children of the light, I do not speak of forgiveness in the terms that you have done something wrong, but rather, this: In the course of your clearing, you have unearthed, so to speak, many pockets of experiences still lingering in your energy fields and within your ever-expanding hearts.

So, I ask of you, forgive yourselves for the trespasses you have experienced in coming to know yourselves, in filtering through the many recesses of your heart. In a sense you are already forgiven, for in Creator’s eyes, you can never do wrong. What remains is your concept of yourselves, dear ones. Let me explain it this way: In the course of your travels to find your true selves, your Divine Selves, you have been walking, traveling, through the debris of many lifetimes and aspects of yourselves that inhibit you from realizing your true brilliance and your true purity. Read the rest of this entry »